Take Five
Editor's Picks
Take Five 2024
This year's theme is Higher education Amid skyrocketing tuition costs and controversies surrounding diversity initiatives, campus speaker cancellations, and accusations of political indoctrination, higher education—both as a concrete post-high school experience and as an abstract concept—is ripe for reflection and reconsideration. The five books listed below ask what it means to be educated at a higher level, whether in a formal academic setting or in other venues far from quads and ivy-covered buildings.
Jan. 23: Dr. Aaron Shaheen presents Robert Penn Warren’s All the King’s Men
Feb. 13: Dr. Verbie Prevost presents Dai Sijie’s Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Feb. 27: Dr. David Pleins presents Emma Smith’s Portable Magic: A History of Books and Their Readers
Mar. 19: Dr. Victoria Bryan presents R.F. Kuang’s Babel, or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution
Apr. 9: Dr. Bryan Hampton presents Julie Schumacher’s Dear Committee Members
All Take Five events happen Tuesdays at 6p in the Chattanooga Room of the Univ. Center.
Questions? Contact Dr. [email protected]
Take Five 2024 event schedule