English Publications
UTC's English Department is home to a number of literary and scholarly publications. Our students often work with faculty advisors to edit and produce these publications.
Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies
Assay publishes the best peer-reviewed critical scholarship of creative nonfiction. The journal explores nonfiction as literature, not simply art, and serves as a resource for writers, scholars, readers, and teachers of nonfiction. Dr. Karen Babine is Assay's editor-in-chief.
Catalpa is an annual publication that explores curious perspectives rooted in the South: the unexpected, unconventional, and unorthodox. The magazine draws inspiration from the catalpa tree, which offers a metaphor for the complexities of the South with its deep roots and diverse, beautiful, troublesome history. Dr. Rik Hunter directs Catalpa.
Midwestern Miscellany
Midwestern Miscellany is published twice a year by the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature. Guest editors select themes, topics, and submissions for publication and presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature, or at the Society’s panels at MMLA, MLA, PCA, and/or ALA. Dr. Marcia Noe edits Midwestern Miscellany.
Sequoya Review
Sequoya Review publishes creative writing and visual art by UTC students. This student-edited magazine has won prizes at the Southern Literary Festival. Sequoya Review is published in conjunction with English 3780: Literary Editing and Publishing and is a fantastic way for students to get involved in the fun, cool projects of the English Dept. Dr. Karen Babine is the faculty advisor for Sequoya Review.
Follow Sequoya Review on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!
Signal Mountain Review
Signal Mountain Review publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid work that reflects on and helps us understand what it means to be human. This online journal is supported by the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga's online learning offerings. Dr. Sarah Einstein is editor-in-chief of Signal Mountain Review.
The Lavender Chronicles
The Lavender Chronicles is an anthology of undergraduate writing that celebrates Queer identity. Professor Sybil Baker served as advisor while Jo Kibble and Jonah Stokes co-edited the collection.