UTC Career Connections
UTC Career Connections

We want to help you effectively recruit UTC students and alumni for internships, part-time and full-time positions.
This is accomplished through career fairs, job postings, on-campus recruitment, employer information sessions, and other partnership opportunities.
Connect with UTC and join Handshake, our career management platform.

Campus Partners
Our priority is to help students connect what they learn at UTC with career competencies to achieve professional success. Partnering with UTC faculty and staff is a natural fit. We are available to work with you in developing special programs and speak in-person to classes, student organizations, campus departments, and faculty/staff meetings about career readiness and resources provided by our department.
So please, tell your students and community partners about the opportunities available through Career Connections. We gladly welcome your referrals, whether it is a student in your class or an employer looking to expand their team.
If you are interested in hosting a Career Connections program or having us present to your class or department, please fill free to email us at [email protected] or fill out our programming interest form - we'd love to partner with you!
Parents and Family
We are available to help students with individual career counseling, developing job search strategies, preparing resumes, honing interview skills, and more.
We regularly post-employment opportunities and special events, including career fairs, on Handshake
Learn more about resources available to your student by exploring our site. Urge your student to utilize our department often and come by for a visit the next time you're on campus.
Looking for ways to assist your student through the career exploration process? Check out this article from the National Association of Colleges and Employers!