Welcome Week Fall 2023
Welcome Week
August 20-26, 2023
Sunday, August 20
- Sweet Tea with Sherese: Soul Food Brunch, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Welcome to UTC and welcome to the first Sweet Tea with Sherese Soul Food Brunch! Join students from all over campus as we help to kick off Welcome Week with good food, fellowship, and making new friends! During this time, you will get to meet and eat with UTC faculty, staff, and students. The time will be filled with networking and games. Free gifts while supplies last!
Location: Lupton Hall First Floor
Contact: Sherese Williams
Sponsor: Office of Multicultural Affairs
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9179580
- Oak Street Roast, 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Kick-start your semester with our campus block party! Join us for food, games, inflatables, music and fun! Oak Street Roast is one of UTC's longest standing traditional events!
Location: Chamberlain Field
Contact: Laura Petrus
Sponsors: Office of Student and Family Engagement and Mocs Dining
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9142624
Monday, August 21
- Drop In Help with Printing, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Drop by for answers to all of your printing, scanning, or copying questions. Representatives from Canon, the company that manages self-serve printing across campus, will be available to help individually, one-on-one, on demand.
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169944
- Barbie-themed Selfie Station, 9 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Stop by the Library and take a first day of school photo in our Barbie themed selfie station!
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169655
- Wellbeing Golf Cart Trivia, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
All aboard the cart for trivia and prizes! The Center for Wellbeing will be providing rides around campus to kick off Welcome Week. Hop on and test your knowledge about the wellbeing & resources available on campus. All participants will win prizes!
Location: All around campus
Contact: Megan McKnight
Sponsor: Center for Wellbeing
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9200599
- Keepsake Welcome Buttons, 11 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Pick up a memed Library button as a keepsake! These popular backpack add-ons are available while supplies last, so drop by to get yours asap.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Chantelle Swaren
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159734
- Wesley Welcome, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Welcome back to campus! We want to welcome you personally with some free food and drinks, so stop by and grab a hot dog and some ice cold sweet tea. We'll have some ice water and cokes on hand too. Students can also sign up for our newsletter while they're here.
Location: Wesley Center: 607 Douglas Street
Contact: Rev. Keith Moore
Sponsor: The Wesley Center at Chattanooga
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9129677
- Chamber Singers Open Rehearsal, 12 - 12:50 p.m.
Our Chamber Singers have performed across the world! Join UTC's most select vocal ensemble!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Wellbeing Golf Cart Trivia, 1 - 3 p.m.
All aboard the cart for trivia and prizes! The Center for Wellbeing will be providing rides around campus to kick off Welcome Week. Hop on and test your knowledge about the wellbeing & resources available on campus. All participants will win prizes!
Location: All around campus
Contact: Megan McKnight
Sponsor: Center for Wellbeing
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9200599
- Tour the UTC Library, 2 - 2:45 p.m.
Tour the UTC Library to learn about the wealth of resources and services we provide including a variety of study and meeting spaces, technology, research materials, and one-on-one help to support your academic life. Tours will meet near the Check Out desk located at the main entrances to the Library.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Bo Baker
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159707
- Percussion Ensemble Open Rehearsal, 2 - 2:50 p.m.
Play percussion? Want to be involved in a group focused solely on percussion instruments? Join the UTC Percussion Ensemble today!
Location: Fine Arts Center 104
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Chattanooga Singers Open Rehearsal, 2 - 4 p.m.
One of the most storied choirs on campus- join Chatt Singers today!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Marching Mocs Open Rehearsal, 4 - 5 p.m.
The most visible ensemble at UTC and the catalyst for game day atmosphere- the Marching Mocs begin their 100th season this year, which includes a trip to the London New Years Day Parade!
Location: Practice Field at Intramural Complex
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Tour the UTC Library, 5 - 5:45 p.m.
Tour the UTC Library to learn about the wealth of resources and services we provide including a variety of study and meeting spaces, technology, research materials, and one-on-one help to support your academic life. Tours will meet near the Check Out desk located at the main entrances to the Library.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Bo Baker
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159708
- Wesley Open House & Shrimp Boil!, 6 - 8 p.m.
We want to see you at Wesley's Open House! Join us Monday night August 21st for free food (a shrimp boil!), free stuff, music and a door prize. We're giving away a TV!
We'll start serving up the shrimp after 6:30 and keep serving until we run out, so come early and make sure you get some!
Location: Wesley Center: 607 Douglas Street
Contact: Rev. Keith Moore
Sponsor: The Wesley Center at Chattanooga
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9121204
- Soundwaves Pool Party: Electric Waters, 7 - 10 p.m.
Join us for our annual Welcome Week pool party! Our talented DJ will be making waves in this once-a-year event. Swim, float, and slide into darkened waters with a laser light show and neon lights illuminating the night. Free pizza, drinks, and swag! All students are welcome! Free! No registration required! All students must have a valid Mocs card to enter.
Location: ARC Pool
Contact: Craig Gosnell
Sponsor: Campus Recreation
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9142648
Tuesday, August 22
- Coffee and Donuts With Wesley, 7:30 - 9 a.m.
Look for us in front of the building this Tuesday morning and have a quick breakfast on us! We’ll have coffee, tea, and hot chocolate.
Location: Wesley Center: 607 Douglas Street
Contact: Rev. Keith Moore
Sponsor: The Wesley Center at Chattanooga
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9121157
- Drop In Help with Printing, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Drop by for answers to all of your printing, scanning, or copying questions. Representatives from Canon, the company that manages self-serve printing across campus, will be available to help individually, one-on-one, on demand.
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169945
- Barbie-themed Selfie Station, 9 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Stop by the Library and take a first day of school photo in our Barbie themed selfie station!
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169655
- Veteran & Military Affairs (VMA) Open House & Supply Drop, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Veteran and Military Affairs (VMA) would like to take the opportunity to welcome you back to campus! Come join in the celebration and grab a bite to eat (Lunch), pick up an Enrichment Package courtesy of Scrappy's Cupboard, and get those much-needed school supplies donated by our partners at The Infinite Warrior Foundation on Tuesday, August 22, 2023!
The VMA Open House & Supply Drop will be available between the hours of 9am-3pm in our office (UC Room 143; next to the University Center Game Room). While you are here meet our VMA Student Ambassadors, get a tour of the military-connected spaces, socialize, check-out your Tech For Vets technology for the new term, and grab those free school supplies and snacks!
Pizza will be promptly served around noon so grab a slice while it's hot (First come, first serve)
Location: Veteran and Military Affairs Lounge (First Floor of University Center)
Contact: Robert Dorsett
Sponsor: Veteran and Military Affairs
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9108663
- Clarion Chorale Open Rehearsal, 10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
Build harmonies and join the Chorale today!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Men's Chorus Open Rehearsal, 10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
Sing together and build community! Learn about traditional tenor-bass singing in the new UTC Men's Chorus.
Location: Cadek 200
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Welcome from Chattanooga Sports (with UTC, CFC, & Lookouts), 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Chattanooga Sports wants to welcome UTC students back to campus! Come out to Chamberlain Field on August 22nd from 11am to 2pm to meet some of the athletes that make up the Lookouts, CFC, and Mocs Athletics. FREE t-shirts will be provided for the first 500 students. We will also have a chance to enter to compete in Dr. Pepper's Halftime for Tuition, in which one student will win a $10,000 scholarship at a Mocs Football game, courtesy of Dr. Pepper!
Location: Chamberlain Field
Contact: Hannah Mitchell
Sponsor: Mocs Athletics
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9149254
- Keepsake Welcome Buttons. 11 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Pick up a memed Library button as a keepsake! These popular backpack add-ons are available while supplies last, so drop by to get yours asap.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Chantelle Swaren
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159734
- Tour the UTC Library, 12 - 12:45 p.m.
Tour the UTC Library to learn about the wealth of resources and services we provide including a variety of study and meeting spaces, technology, research materials, and one-on-one help to support your academic life. Tours will meet near the Check Out desk located at the main entrances to the Library.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Bo Baker
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159709
- Chamber Singers Open Rehearsal, 12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
Our Chamber Singers have performed across the world! Join UTC's most select vocal ensemble!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Tech Petting Zoo @ the Library Studio, 2 - 3 p.m.
Drop by the Studio on the Library’s 3rd floor to discover the cool gear available to you.
All Mocs are welcome, regardless of major, status, or experience-level. Even if you’ve never 3D-printed or used A/V equipment before, that's no problem - this is the event for you! Studio staff will be available to answer any questions about how to use the tech, how to make consultation appointments, how to reserve the recording suites, and any other questions you may have.
Location: Library Studio, 3rd Floor, Room 305
Contact: Emily Thompson
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event on MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169746
- International Tea Time, 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Join the UTC Center for Global Education for tea, cookies, games, and good company! Come meet international and domestic students and learn about upcoming Center for Global Education events this semester.
Location: Lupton Hall First Floor Lobby
Contact: Kelsey Simoni
Sponsor: Center for Global Education
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9111642
- Wind Ensemble Open Rehearsal, 3:05 - 4:55 p.m.
Join the premiere concert ensemble at UTC!
Location: Fine Arts Center 104
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Opera Workshop Open Rehearsal, 3:05 - 5 p.m.
Learn to stage a full opera and perform!
Location: Cadek 200
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Singing Mocs Open Rehearsal, 4:30 - 5:45 p.m.
UTC's a capella choir! Love Pentatonix? This group is for you!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Jazz Band Open Rehearsal, 5 - 6:30 p.m.
Explore the rebellious and culturally diverse art form of jazz!
Location: Fine Arts Center 104
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Solar Telescopy, 5 - 7 p.m.
Are you a sun worshipper? Come learn the science side of the sun with the Department of Chemistry and Physics. Solar telescopes will be on the lawn. See a sun spot! Get some swag! Learn about UTC's Clarence T. Jones Observatory. Meet members of the department and the Barnard Astronomical Society. Free and open to the public.
Location: Race-Hooper Quad
Contact: Keenan Dungey
Sponsor: Department of Chemistry and Physics
- Therapy Dog Visit, 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.
Drop by to meet Lizzie, a therapy dog with the Human Animal Bond in Tennessee (H.A.B.I.T.). Lizzie's sweet smile will help ease the stress of starting a new semester. Swing by to give her a quick pat, or stay to hang out with her and meet fellow Mocs who also love dogs!
Location: Library 1st Floor
Contact: Chantelle Swaren
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9157401
- Cadek Community Orchestra Open Rehearsal, 7 - 9 p.m.
Perform major works with one of the largest instrumental ensembles on campus!
Location: Fine Arts Center 104
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- The House Worship Service, 8 - 9:30 p.m.
Gather with other college age people in Chattanooga each Tuesday night to worship Jesus!
Location: Patten Chapel, 615 McCallie Ave
Contact: Kirsten Hyde
Sponsor: The House
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9128229
- Club Lupton, 8 - 10 p.m.
Get to know the offices on the first floor of Lupton Hall with games, food, and music!
Location: Lupton Hall First Floor
Contact: Chris Bridgers
Sponsors: Student and Family Engagement, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Center for Women & Gender Equity, Center for Global Education, Prism Center
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9131216
Wednesday, August 23
- Keepsake Welcome Buttons, 7:45 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
Pick up a memed Library button as a keepsake! These popular backpack add-ons are available while supplies last, so drop by to get yours asap.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Chantelle Swaren
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event on MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159734
- Drop In Help with Printing, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Drop by for answers to all of your printing, scanning, or copying questions. Representatives from Canon, the company that manages self-serve printing across campus, will be available to help individually, one-on-one, on demand.
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169946
- Barbie-themed Selfie Station, 9 a.m.
Stop by the Library and take a first day of school photo in our Barbie themed selfie station!
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169655
- OPT Club Table, 9 - 10 a.m.
Officers of our club will be set up at a table in the UC, handing out fliers and answering any questions students may have about the Occupational and Physical Therapy club.
Location: University Center Lobby Tables
Contact: Rebecca Littleton
Sponsor: OPT Club
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9194891
- Visit the Graduate School Office!, 9 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Drop by the Graduate School office to meet the Grad School liaisons and staff. Take home a snack bag and some give-aways.
Location: 103 Race Hall
Contact: Allyson Ford
Sponsor: UTC Graduate School
- Goat Yoga, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The Center for Wellbeing and the Office of Student and Family Engagement are bringing GOAT YOGA to UTC! Goat Yoga is exactly how it sounds- yoga with goats! Join us, and these sweet little goats, on Chamberlain Field to de-stress with this fun, refreshing and energizing experience. We hope to see you there! Sign-up using the button below. Sign-up will be required for participation.
Location: Chamberlain Field
Contact: Megan McKnight
Sponsor: Center for Wellbeing
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9180642
- B.O.D (Burgers On Demand) Free lunch!, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Who say's there's no free lunch? We'll be grilling up burgers in the yard at Wesley, so be sure to swing by and grab one while they're hot!
Location: Wesley Center: 607 Douglas Street
Contact: Rev. Keith Moore
Sponsor: The Wesley Center at Chattanooga
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9121153
- Chamber Singers Open Rehearsal, 12 - 12:50 p.m.
Our Chamber Singers have performed across the world! Join UTC's most select vocal ensemble!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Office for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor (URaCE) Ice Cream Social, 12 - 1:30 p.m.
Join the Office for URaCE at our Welcome Week event! Enjoy ice cream, learn about undergraduate research opportunities, get free SWAG, and make new friends.
Location: Chamberlain Pavilion
Contact: Office for URaCE
- Percussion Ensemble Open Rehearsal, 2 - 2:50 p.m.
Play percussion? Want to be involved in a group focused solely on percussion instruments? Join the UTC Percussion Ensemble today!
Location: Fine Arts Center 104
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Tech Petting Zoo @ the Library Studio, 2 - 3 p.m.
Drop by the Studio on the Library’s 3rd floor to discover the cool gear available to you.
All Mocs are welcome, regardless of major, status, or experience-level. Even if you’ve never 3D-printed or used A/V equipment before, that's no problem - this is the event for you! Studio staff will be available to answer any questions about how to use the tech, how to make consultation appointments, how to reserve the recording suites, and any other questions you may have.
Location: Library Studio, 3rd Floor, Room 305
Contact: Emily Thompson
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event on MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169747
- Chattanooga Singers Open Rehearsal, 2 - 3:15 p.m.
One of the most storied choirs on campus- join Chatt Singers today!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Scrappy's Market, 2 - 4 p.m.
UTC Student Outreach and Support, Scrappy's Cupboard, and Mocs Dinning bring you Scrappy's Market! Join us for our kick off Scrappy's Market during Welcome Week! Markets will be hosted every other week. Event is available to students, faculty, and staff. Students with financial concerns can connect with Student Outreach and Support ([email protected]; 423-425-2299) for additional resources.
Location: University Center, 2nd Floor Commons
Contact: Latisha Hubbard
Sponsor: Scrappy's Cupboard, MOCs Dining, Student Outreach and Support
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9111537
- What's the Scoop with SSS?, 2 - 4 p.m.
What's SSS about? Give us a chance to show you (and feed you an ice cream sundae at the same time)! SSS is a program for low-income students, first-generation college students, and students with disabilities. If you think you qualify, come by to learn more about how we can help! If you're already a part of SSS, bring your friends! We'll have food (as always) and games!
Location: 739 McCallie Ave
Contact: Melissa Laseter
Sponsor: Student Support Services
- Tour the UTC Library, 3 - 3:45 p.m.
Tour the UTC Library to learn about the wealth of resources and services we provide including a variety of study and meeting spaces, technology, research materials, and one-on-one help to support your academic life. Tours will meet near the Check Out desk located at the main entrances to the Library.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Bo Baker
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event//9159710
- Marching Mocs Open Rehearsal, 4 - 5:50 p.m.
The most visible ensemble at UTC and the catalyst for game day atmosphere- the Marching Mocs begin their 100th season this year, which includes a trip to the London New Years Day Parade!
Location: Practice Field at Intramural Complex
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Geology Open House, 5 - 7 p.m.
The Geology Program is hosting an open house on the 2nd floor of Grote Hall. Stop by and learn about the Geology Club, get your hands dirty with fun activities, and put your name in for a door prize! See more details on MocSync about the fun and free activities!
Location: Grote Hall, 2nd Floor
Contact: Amy Brock-Hon
Sponsor: Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental Science and Geology Club
- Potting Party: Free succulents for you to plant and take home!, 6 - 8 p.m.
We're having a party and where you can pot up a succulent to keep you company all year long! We'll have the pots, plants, and soil. all you have to do is provide the green thumb! Plants are limited, so come early for the best choice.
Location: Wesley Center: 607 Douglas Street
Contact: Rev. Keith Moore
Sponsor: The Wesley Center at Chattanooga
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9135612
- MocsVision Open House and Training, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Come meet MocsVision and see behind the curtain to UTC's ESPN+ broadcasts and Videoboard shows! We are looking for student crew for the upcoming season. We pay our crew on a per-game basis. If your only experience with sports is watching it, we can train you up in no time. Some of the skills learned can include camera operation, instant replay operation, video switcher operation, multi-cam sports broadcasting, and broadcast graphics production.
If broadcasting isn't necessarily your thing, we also have opportunities to learn content creation in the form of sports video editing (HYPE VIDEOS), sports photography, and graphic design.
To further prepare you for a future in sports media, there will be free t-shirts and free food.
Location: 122 McKenzie Arena
Contact: Leah Gill
Sponsor: MocsVision
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159784
- Headphone Dance Party, 8 - 10 p.m.
Dance like no one is watching in a sensory-friendly environment at Headphone Dance Party!
Upon arrival, participants will sign in, retrieve a pair of event headphones, choose between different music stations provided by our live DJs, and party on! It is going to be the loudest party that can’t be heard! This event is for currently enrolled UTC students only. Must present valid UTC student ID when checking in for this event.
Location: Chamberlain Field
Contact: Disability Resource Center or Laura Petrus
Sponsors: Disability Resource Center, Mosaic, Student and Family Engagement
Connect with this Event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9179666
Thursday, August 24
- Drop In Help with Printing, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Drop by for answers to all of your printing, scanning, or copying questions. Representatives from Canon, the company that manages self-serve printing across campus, will be available to help individually, one-on-one, on demand.
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169947
- Barbie-themed Selfie Station, 9 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Stop by the Library and take a first day of school photo in our Barbie themed selfie station!
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this Event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169655
- Free Welcome Bag with Registration at the Writing & Communication Center, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Drop by the WCC to register for a free account so you can easily get online or in-person writing help throughout the semester.
Bonus: the first 50 registrants will receive a small gift bag with WCC items!
Location: LIB 118, Library's 1st Floor
Contact: Holly Berkowitz
Sponsor: Writing and Communication Center
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159797
- Clarion Chorale Open Rehearsal, 10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
Build harmonies and join the Chorale today!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Men's Chorus Open Rehearsal, 10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
Sing together and build community! Learn about traditional tenor-bass singing in the new UTC Men's Chorus.
Location: Cadek 200
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Consent-a-thon, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Join the consensual conversation on the lawn! We'll be out on Chamberlain Field with interactive activities to learn about consent and win great PRIZES! Lunch will also be available while it lasts for those who complete an activity passport. Together, we can make talking about consent the norm at UTC!
Location: Chamberlain Field
Contact: Megan McKnight
Sponsor: Center for Wellbeing
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9200477
- Welcome Back BBQ, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Have lunch at Crossroads for BBQ! There will be games, prizes, and more! You must have a meal plan or you can pay the door rate for lunch at $9
Location: Crossroads
Contact: Jayli Harris
Sponsor: Mocs Dining
- Souper Thursday - Free Soup!, 12 - 2 p.m.
Join us this Thursday for our weekly free lunch - Souper Thursday! We start serving at noon, and we keep it out until we run out (or 5PM rolls around, whichever comes first).
Location: Wesley Center: 607 Douglas Street
Contact: Rev. Keith Moore
Sponsor: The Wesley Center at Chattanooga
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9120927
- Chamber Singers Open Rehearsal, 12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
Our Chamber Singers have performed across the world! Join UTC's most select vocal ensemble!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- POP in on SSS!, 2 - 4 p.m.
What's SSS about? Give us a chance to show you (and feed you some signature SSS opcorn at the same time)! SSS is a program for low-income students, first-generation college students, and students with disabilities. If you think you qualify, come by to learn more about how we can help! If you're already a part of SSS, bring your friends! We'll have food (as always) and games!
Location: 739 McCallie Ave
Contact: Melissa Laseter
Sponsor: Student Support Services
- Study Abroad 102: Workshop for Intermediate Adventurers, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
After completing the Study Abroad 101 Canvas course, students must attend a Study Abroad 102 session where a UTC Study Abroad staff member will lead a deeper dive into the study abroad experience at UTC. This session will allow students to meet with a staff member in order to get their general questions answered and work on choosing the right program that matches their academic, personal and professional goals. This student-led sessions can cover anything from financial aid and scholarships to the credit process to program options.
Location: University Center Ocoee Room
Contact: Jamie Booth
Sponsor: Center for Global Education
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9116623
- Wind Ensemble Open Rehearsal, 3:05 - 4:55 p.m.
Join the premiere concert ensemble at UTC!
Location: Fine Arts Center 104
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Tour the UTC Library, 4 - 4:45 p.m.
Tour the UTC Library to learn about the wealth of resources and services we provide including a variety of study and meeting spaces, technology, research materials, and one-on-one help to support your academic life. Tours will meet near the Check Out desk located at the main entrances to the Library.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Bo Baker
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159711
- Singing Mocs Open Rehearsal, 4:30 - 5:45 p.m.
UTC's a capella choir! Love Pentatonix? This group is for you!
Location: 540 McCallie Room 108
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Pre-Health Open House, 5 - 6:30 p.m.
Join us for our kick off event of the semester! All the pre-health clubs will be in attendance, so you can come out and meet everyone. Additionally we will have Erlanger College Volunteer program and the Center for Professional Education in attendance. So come out and get some free food, a T shirt, and learn how to get involved in Pre-Health at UTC. You can also check out our new space on the 3rd floor of Lupton.
Location: Lupton Hall 389
Contact: Theresa Blackman
Sponsor: Pre-Health Student Services, Pre-Medical Society, Pre-Dental Society, Pi Alpha Chi (Pre-Physician Assistant Society), Advocates for Graduates, Occupational and Physical Therapy (OPT) Club, Pre-Optometry Society, Pre-Veterinary Society
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9128899
- Jazz Band Open Rehearsal, 5-6 p.m.
Explore the rebellious and culturally diverse art form of jazz!
Location: Fine Arts Center 104
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- An Evening with Jake Xerxes Fussell, 6 - 7 p.m.
Join us for a free concert with musician Jake Xerxes Fussell to celebrate the ICA's fall opening events! Jake Xerxes Fussell is a singer and guitarist based in Durham, NC. He is, according to Ann Powers of NPR, "maybe the leading interpreter of American folk music right now..." This concert is free and an all ages show, and open to the public. Doors open at 5:30pm and seating is first come, first served.
Fussell will be introduced by artist Kevin McNamee-Tweed, also from Durham, NC.
Location: Hayes Concert Hall, Fine Arts Center Lobby
Contact: Rachel Waldrop
Sponsor: Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)
- Cupcake Bar and Tye Dye!, 6 - 9 p.m.
We've got cupcakes and all the toppings along with free T-shirts and all the tie-dye supplies you'll need to create a masterpiece. All you have to bring is your imagination!
Location: Wesley Center: 607 Douglas Street
Contact: Rev. Keith Moore
Sponsor: The Wesley Center at Chattanooga
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9121145
- MocsVision Open House and Training, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Come meet MocsVision and see behind the curtain to UTC's ESPN+ broadcasts and Videoboard shows! We are looking for student crew for the upcoming season. We pay our crew on a per-game basis. If your only experience with sports is watching it, we can train you up in no time. Some of the skills learned can include camera operation, instant replay operation, video switcher operation, multi-cam sports broadcasting, and broadcast graphics production.
If broadcasting isn't necessarily your thing, we also have opportunities to learn content creation in the form of sports video editing (HYPE VIDEOS), sports photography, and graphic design.
To further prepare you for a future in sports media, there will be free t-shirts and free food.
Location: 122 McKenzie Arena
Contact: Leah Gill
Sponsor: MocsVision
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159785
- When the World's On Fire, Exhibition Opening & Reception, 7 - 9 p.m.
Join us for the opening exhibition for the ICA's fall season! Kevin McNamee-Tweed is an artist from Durham, NC that makes ceramics, sculptures, drawings and prints on paper. The artist will be in attendance, and there will be light food and drink provided. This event follows the conclusion of Jake Xerxes Fussell's concert (6-7pm) in the Hayes Concert Hall, across the Fine Arts Center Lobby. Please join us for both events or just one! The ICA Gallery doors will be open starting at 6pm. As always, our events are free and open to the public.
Location: ICA Art Galleries, Fine Arts Center Lobby
Contact: Rachel Waldrop
Sponsor: Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)
- Welcome Back Cookout, 8 - 10 p.m.
Welcome back to campus! Join us for an interactive cookout with great music and great food!
Location: Maclellan Gym (moved inside due to weather)
Contact: Christopher Stokes
Sponsor: Office of Multicultural Affairs
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9131282
Friday, August 25
- Drop In Help with Printing, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Drop by for answers to all of your printing, scanning, or copying questions. Representatives from Canon, the company that manages self-serve printing across campus, will be available to help individually, one-on-one, on demand.
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169948
- Barbie-themed Selfie Station, 9 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Stop by the Library and take a first day of school photo in our Barbie themed selfie station!
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169655
- Center for Women and Gender Equity Meet and Greet, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Please join us to learn more about the Center for Women and Gender Equity and their organizations, Women's Action Collective, Spectrum, and the Coalition Advocating for Student Empowerment (CASE). We will be hosting an open house with FREE t-shirts and lunch (from 12:30-2pm) while supplies last. If you want to know more about how to get involved with our Center, find out more about what we do, or simply stop by for an amazing free t-shirt or taco. The open house will be from 10-4pm in Lupton 118 (Center for Women and Gender Equity).
Location: Center for Women and Gender Equity, Lupton Hall 118
Contact: Lauren Ouwerkerk
Sponsor: Center for Women and Gender Equity
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9112145
- Free Welcome Bag with Registration at the Writing & Communication Center, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Drop by the WCC to register for a free account so you can easily get online or in-person writing help throughout the semester.
Bonus: the first 50 registrants will receive a small gift bag with WCC items!
Location: LIB 118, Library's 1st Floor
Contact: Holly Berkowitz
Sponsor: Writing and Communication Center
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159798
- Tie Day Friday with CASA, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Pop in to CASA to learn about our services, have tasty popcorn and ice pops, and create a one of a kind tie dye bag while supplies last!
Location: Chamberlain Field Outside Starbucks and Inside Library 335
Contact: Stormy Sims
Sponsor: Center for Academic Support and Advisement
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9186680
- Tour the UTC Library, 12 - 12:45 p.m.
Tour the UTC Library to learn about the wealth of resources and services we provide including a variety of study and meeting spaces, technology, research materials, and one-on-one help to support your academic life. Tours will meet near the Check Out desk located at the main entrances to the Library.
Location: Library Check Out Desk, 1st Floor
Contact: Bo Baker
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9159712
- Percussion Ensemble Open Rehearsal, 2 - 2:50 p.m.
Play percussion? Want to be involved in a group focused solely on percussion instruments? Join the UTC Percussion Ensemble today!
Location: Fine Arts Center 104
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- Marching Mocs Open Rehearsal, 4 - 5:50 p.m.
The most visible ensemble at UTC and the catalyst for game day atmosphere- the Marching Mocs begin their 100th season this year, which includes a trip to the London New Years Day Parade!
Location: Practice Field at Intramural Complex
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Sponsor: Performing Arts
- IIA Student Night, 5:30 - 8 p.m.
The Institute of Internal Auditors Chattanooga chapter is hosting a networking event and student night on Friday, August 25th from 5:30-8 pm in 540 McCallie room 104. The event is open to all business and computer science majors who are interested in learning about careers in internal audit. Dinner is provided and chapter members from several large employers will be in attendance including those in the corporate, non-profit, and governmental spaces. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about the industry and network with hiring managers in an informal setting, particularly those majoring in accounting, finance, or computer science. Seating is limited and registrations are required.
Location: 540 McCallie Ave. Room 104
Contact: Amaya Beck
Sponsor: Office of Audit and Compliance
- Wings and Things, 6 - 8 p.m.
Wrap up Welcome Week with Chicken WINGS and a whole lotta THINGS to do. Meet new friends, eat good food, and participate in some fly activities.
Location: 650 McCallie Ave
Contact: Kirsten Hyde
Sponsor: The House
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9128234
- Mini Golf Night, 6 - 10 p.m.
The fine folks at Holes to Go are going to set up a mini golf course right in our back yard! So stop by and show off your mad putting skills on a custom course that's on par. We'll have drinks and snacks on hand too.
Location: Wesley Center: 607 Douglas Street
Contact: Rev. Keith Moore
Sponsor: The Wesley Center at Chattanooga
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9129711
- Grocery Bingo: Flashback Friday, 7 - 9 p.m.
We’re taking it back to the early 2000s! Come dressed in your favorite 2000s 'fit, and play Bingo for a chance to win groceries and back to school supplies! This event is FREE and open to current UTC students only. Limit of one (1) prize per player. Not all players are guaranteed a prize. 00's outfit not required in order to participate in the event or be eligible to win a prize.
Location: University Center, Tennessee Room
Contact: Kidron Bullock
Sponsor: Office of Student and Family Engagement
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9179702
Saturday, August 26
- Barbie-themed Selfie Station, 9 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Stop by the Library and take a first day of school photo in our Barbie themed selfie station!
Location: Library, 1st Floor
Contact: Nora Ketron
Sponsor: UTC Library
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9169655
- Screen on the Green Movie Night featuring The Super Mario Bros. Movie, 8:30 - 10:30 p.m.
Grab a blanket or lawn chair and join us for our outdoor movie night featuring the 2023 film The Super Mario Bros. Movie! We'll have snacks and drinks as supplies last.
Location: Chamberlain Field
Contact: Crystal Edenfield or Kat Mortensen
Sponsors: Housing and Residence Life, Student Success Programs, Residence Hall Association
Connect with this event in MocSync: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/9180563