Arts and Sciences Residential College
Life Out Loud: A Language and Culture Learning Community
This is a Humanities‐inspired community of students passionate about the study of languages (English, Spanish, French, Latin, and others) and the literature belonging to those languages. It is a place for conversations both deep and light, on books, films, music, cultural experience, and for connecting with faculty who share these interests. Members will gather for readings, films, meals, cultural outings, social life, and academically enriching encounters with faculty.
Contact: Hilary Browder-Terry, 423-425-4114 and Jorge Correa
Process: Submit the Housing application
POLIS: Politically Oriented Learners In Society
The POLIS Residential learning community will engage incoming Political Science majors with the local history and politics of the Chattanooga area, transforming college students into active citizens with a stake in their communities and the region. Collaborations with Chattanooga community organizations and boards will enable students to address real problems and help find new solutions. Student in this LLC will have greater engagement with their major, faculty and department-building deeper relations at UTC.
Contact: Dr. Marcus Mauldin 423-425-5702
Process: Submit Housing application
Music Row
The Music LLC will be comprised of a supportive group of freshmen, sophomore, and transfer music majors and students involved with a UTC music ensemble. There will be special presentations and events by faculty, guest artists, and performance collaboration for special projects. These students will literally get to experience music via peer surroundings. Programs will be geared towards furthering music performance by giving students opportunities to see live performances, attend various workshops, and provide music theory assistance outside of the classroom. The living component will include fostering friendships through the exposure of a music dominated community. The Music LLC will also provide residence hall students an opportunity to interact with faculty outside of the classroom and give students opportunities to take part in formal and informal activities designed to enrich their overall performance and academic learning experience. An emphasis will also be placed on fostering a supportive atmosphere that is sympathetic to the rigors of the music curriculum.
Contact: Jordan Hicks, 423-425-4612
Process: Submit the Housing application
Sustainable Mocs
The Department of Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science (BGE) Living Learning Community (LLC) will focus on introducing students to the interdisciplinary nature of biology, geology, environmental science as each discipline interacts with issues related to sustainability. Students will have the opportunity to interact with BGE faculty and staff in the classroom, in the lab, and in the field. We plan on visiting regional aquariums, museums, natural areas, and zoos. We also plan to have social functions (e.g., ice cream socials, movie nights, etc.) to allow students to interact with each other and with BGE faculty and staff in a less formal setting.
Contact: Jeremy Bramblett 423-425-4341, Sarah Farnsley 423-425-2170
Process: Submit the Housing application
CAS Explorers
For any residential student who is declared major in the College of Art, English, History, Preforming Artsd, Science, Math, Political Science or undecided resident who wish to explore these majors.
Contact: Jamie Newberg, 423-425-4407
Process: Submit Housing application
MOCs in STEM (Chemistry, Analytics, Math, Physics)
The Departments of Chemistry & Physics and Mathematics Living Learning Community (LLC) will focus on introducing students to the interdisciplinary nature of chemistry, physics, and mathematics. One focus will be on data analysis as it relates to these fields of study. Students will have the opportunity to interact with and build relationships with the faculty from these departments, both in and out of the classroom. We plan to schedule visits to local and regional lab facilities, science museums, and insurance companies. We also plan to have social functions (pizza party, ice cream social, baseball game, movie night, pool party, etc.) to encourage students to develop relationships with each other and faculty members in a less formal setting.
First year students with an interest in chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Students must meet the pre-requisite for Math 1730 to participate (minimum Math ACT 24 or Math Placement Test Equivalent, or Math 1130 with a grade of C or better)."
Contact: Angelique Ramnarine, 423-425-2205 or Emily Alonge 423-425-5771
Process: Submit Housing application
MEDIC (Medical Dental Interests Company)
On behalf of the College of Arts and Sciences and UTC Pre-Health Student Services at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga we would like to invite you to participate in the MEDIC RLC. This RLC is designed for students planning to apply to medical school or dental school after the completion of the 4-year degree at UTC. The RLC is open to students of all majors housed in the College of Arts and Sciences, who are incoming first semester freshman and will provide hands on engagement with faculty, opportunities to gain valuable medical experience, and participation in events exclusively for the RLC that will help enhance future medical school or dental school applications. We will also be offering some unique experiences the summer before you start college so you can connect with your cohort, get to know campus, and strengthen your academic skills before starting your first semester of college.
Contact: Theresa Blackman or Han Park
Process: Submit Housing application and separate application for MEDIC found on their website
Writer's Collective
The UTC Writers Collective is a residential learning community that brings together students with a shared passion for creative writing, regardless of their major. Members of the Writers’ Collective live together in campus housing, share their work with one another in creative writing workshops, and attend special events together.
Contact: Dr. Alex Quinlan 423-425-2540 and Catherine Meeks Quinlan
Process: Submit the Housing application
Drawing inspiration and engagement from Chattanooga’s history and rich resources, first and second year students will have an opportunity to explore principles of leadership; to discover a personal purpose that is driven by core personal values; to identify unique leadership strengths; to form beneficial relationships; and to architect a plan that leverages their skills to serve the community by addressing a local current or future challenge.
Contact: Dr. Lori Waite
Process: Submit the Housing application