The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Factbook is a static compilation of current data including enrollment and demographic statistics, student success outcomes, workforce demographics, and a variety of commonly requested information primarily used for reporting purposes. Additionally, OPEIR’s Institutional Dashboards provide interactive data best utilized for planning purposes. More in-depth, analytical reports are located in OPEIR Insights.
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Factbook Tables
- Incoming Students
Admission Pipeline Dashboard - Interactive data
- Student Enrollment
Level, Demographics, and Residency
- Enrollment by Student Level and Term
- Student Demographics
- International Student Enrollment
- State Residency with Map
- Tennessee County Residency with Map
- Honors College
Student Enrollment Dashboard - Interactive data
- Program Enrollment
Major and Minor Enrollment
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Engineering and Computer Science
- College of Health, Education, and Professional Studies
- Rollins College of Business
Online Enrollment
Academic Common Market - The Academic Common Market (ACM) is a tuition-savings program for college students in 15 SREB (Southern Regional Education Board) states, who want to pursue degrees not offered by their home state institutions. Students can enroll in out-of-state institutions that offer their degree programs and pay the institutionâs in-state tuition rates.
Active UTC Undergraduate Academic Programs
- College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Academic Programs
- College of Engineering and Computer Science Undergraduate Programs
- College of Health, Education, and Professional Studies Undergraduate Academic Programs
- Rollins College of Business Undergraduate Academic Programs
Active UTC Graduate Academic Programs
- Student Success, Retention and Graduation
Retention and Graduation
- Retention and Graduation Rates- First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen Cohort
- Program Migration
- Freshmen Cohort Graduation Rate Demographics
Graduation & Retention Dashboard - Interactive data
Degrees Awarded
Degrees Awarded Dashboard - Interactive data
General Education Dashboard - Interactive data
Course Non-Pass Rates Dashboard - Interactive dataAlumni and Employment
- Student Life
- Student Athlete Enrollment
- Greek Life Membership
- Occupancy of Student Residence Halls
- Student Organizations
Student Experience Dashboard - Interactive data from NSSE survey
- Tuition and Financial Information
Students Expenses and Financial Aid
UTC Financial Information
- Employee Demographic
Employee Details Dashboard - Interactive data
- Administration
UT System - The University of Tennessee is comprised of campuses at Knoxville, Chattanooga, Martin and the Health Science Center at Memphis.
UTC Advisory Board - The seven-member UTC Advisory Board advises the chancellor on the campusâ strategic plan and operating budgets, in addition to seeking to promote the overall advancement of UTC and the UT system.
Accreditation - The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. SACSCOC is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states.
Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) -The Tennessee Higher Education Commission was established by the Tennessee General Assembly in 1967 to coordinate and support the efforts of higher education institutions in the State of Tennessee. One of its statutory requirements is to create a master plan for developing public higher education in Tennessee.
Carnegie Classification - UTC is a public Doctoral/Professional University Carnegie Classification with the additional voluntary/elective Community Engagement Classification.
UTC Strategic Plan Dashboard - Interactive data
- Other Institutional Data
- Academic Program Inventory (API)
- Common Data Set- Current Year
- Organizational Charts
- Development
- Library Holdings
- Peer Institutions
Peer Institutions Comparison Dashboard - Interactive data