Academic Program Proposals & Modifications
The Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Institutional Research is involved with the planning and approval process for all new academic programs and existing program changes at UTC. We provide support from the planning and development stage through site visits and final approvals with THEC, UT System, SACSCOC and program accrediting bodies.
To facilitate this process, it is best to be in contact with the appropriate departments on campus from the earliest stages of planning. If you are considering the addition of a new academic program or a modification to an existing program, be sure you have appropriate approvals from your department head, dean and any other administrators.
Once you have department and college approval, please contact OPEIR so that we can prepare and schedule a meeting with you to discuss your vision and the process.
New Academic Programs
- New Degree Program
In order to create a new degree program at either the undergraduate or graduate level, a number of approval processes must be followed. This proposal process takes anywhere from 12 to 24 months from conception to implementation; therefore, early communication is vital. Please contact OPEIR as soon as possible for assistance in navigating the process.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Proposal Assistance
THEC Approval Process
- Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) Policy
- Letter of Notification (LON) required and takes approximately 4 months to develop and review.
- New Academic Program Proposal (NAPP) required and takes approximately 4 months to develop and review.
- Site Visit with a selected external reviewer required and takes approximately 4 months to plan, complete, and review.
- Presentation to UT Board of Trustees and THEC for approval.
SACSCOC Approval Process
- SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy
- Prospectus required if program includes 50-100% of new content not previously offered at UTC.
- Notification required if program includes 25-49% of new content not previously offered at UTC.
- New Program Concentration
Establishing a new concentration within an existing degree program requires an approval process through UTC and a notification process for THEC and SACSCOC.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
SACSCOC Notification Process
- New Certificate Program
Establishing a new certificate program at any level requires an approval process through UTC and a notification process for THEC and SACSCOC.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
SACSCOC Notification Process
- New Minor
Establishing a new minor at any level requires an approval process through UTC, but does not require any process for THEC. Notification to SACSCOC depends on the amount of new content being offered for the minor.
UTC Approval Process
Academic Program Changes
- Adding or Changing a Degree Designation
Changing or adding the degree designation of an academic degree program requires an approval process through UTC and THEC and a notification process for SACSCOC.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
SACSCOC Notification Process
- Changing the CIP Code of a Degree Program or Certificate
Changing the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code of an academic degree program or certificate program requires an approval process through UTC and a notification process for THEC and SACSCOC.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
SACSCOC Notification Process
- Elevating a current Program Concentration to a Free-Standing Degree Program
Elevating a Program Concentration to a free-standing Degree Program requires an approval process through UTC and THEC and a notification process for SACSCOC. The Program Concentration will have to provide a 3-year minimum of enrollment data.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
SACSCOC Notification Process
- Changing the Name of a Degree Program, Program Concentration, or Certificate
Changing the name of an academic degree program, program concentration, or certificate program requires an approval process through UTC and a notification process for THEC.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
- Changing the Total Credit Hours of a Degree Program or Certificate
Changing the total credit hours for completion of an academic degree program or certificate program requires an approval process through UTC and a notification process for THEC.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
- Changing the Instructional Delivery Mode of a Degree Program
Changing or adding the instructional delivery mode of an academic degree program or certificate program requires an approval process through UTC and a notification process for THEC and SACSCOC.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
SACSCOC Notification Process
- Deactivate, Terminate, or Reactivate a Degree Program, Program Concentration, or Certificate
Deactivating, terminating, or reactivating an academic degree program, program concentration, or certificate program requires an approval process through UTC and a notification process for THEC and SACSCOC.
UTC Approval Process
- Program & Curriculum Proposal Information
- Curriculum Management Page of MyMocsNet
- OPEIR Program Notification Assistance
THEC Notification Process
SACSCOC Notification Process
Academic Units & Departments
- New Academic Unit
Academic units include, but are not limited to, colleges, departments, institutes, schools, and other divisions that house at least one academic program (degrees, certificates, and minors). In order to create a new academic unit, a number of approval processes must be followed.
UTC Approval Process
- No Curriculog proposal process is necessary
- Must have approval from Dean and Provost
- Contact OPEIR for assistance
THEC Approval Process
- Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) Policy
- Must appear on UT Board of Trustees and THEC Commission meeting agendas for approval
- Changes within Academic Unit
Academic units include, but are not limited to, colleges, departments, institutes, schools, and other divisions that house at least one academic program (degrees, certificates, and minors). In order to modify an academic unit such as the name, a number of approval processes must be followed. Modifications may include name changes, reorganizations, termination of unit, moving existing academic programs from one unit to another, etc.
UTC Approval Process
- No Curriculog proposal process is necessary
- Must have approval from Dean and Provost
- Contact OPEIR for assistance
THEC Approval Process
- Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) Policy
- Must appear on UT Board of Trustees and THEC Commission meeting agendas for approval