Additional Resources
- Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionary is UTC's central repository of terms and data field definitions that are shared across the campus. These data elements are used to define metrics, key performance indicators, and other institutional calculations. If you are unable to find an answer to a data element you are looking for, please contact us. Sources include:
- Institutional Research Resources
- AAUP - American Association of University Professors
- AIR - Association for Institutional Research
- AIR - IR Resources - Association for Institutional Research Comprehensive list of IR Resources
- Census - U.S. Census Bureau
- Chronicle - The Chronicle of Higher Education
- CSRDE - The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange
- CUPA-HR - College & University Professional Association for Human Resources
- IPEDS - The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
- NCES - National Center for Educational Statistics
- NCHEMS - National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
- SACS - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- SACSCOC - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- SAIR - Southern Association for Institutional Research
- SREB - Southern Regional Education Board
- SUG - Southern Universities Group (Thanks to GSU for the linked table)
- TENNAIR - Tennessee Association for Institutional Research
- - Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development
- THEC - Tennessee Higher Education Commission
- UT - Knoxville - Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
- UT - Martin - Office of Institutional Research
- UT - System - Office of Research
- WICHE - Western Interstate Council of Higher Education
- UTC Organizational Charts
- Division of the Chancellor
- Division of Academic Affairs
- Division of Access and Engagement
- Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
- Division of Finance and Administration
- Advancement
- Athletics
- Communications and Marketing
- Information Technology
- Library
- Research and Dean of Graduate School
- College of Arts & Sciences
- College of Engineering and Computer Science
- College of Health, Education and Professional Studies
- Gary W. Rollins, College of Business
- Honors College
- UTC Peer Institutions
Comparable Peer Universities
- Arkansas State University
- Louisiana State University - Shreveport
- Stephen F. Austin State University
- Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi
- The University of Texas at Tyler
- University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- University of Central Arkansas
- University of Missouri - St. Louis
- University of West Georgia
- Valdosta State University
Aspirational Peer Group
- College of Charleston
- Eastern Kentucky University
- Lamar University
- Northern Kentucky University
- University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Western Kentucky University
List provided by University of Tennessee Board of Trustees on October 28, 2022.
- Academic Common Market
The Academic Common Market (ACM) is a tuition-savings program for college students in 15 SREB (Southern Regional Education Board) states, who want to pursue degrees not offered by their home state institutions. Students can enroll in out-of-state institutions that offer their degree program and pay the institution’s in-state tuition rates. UTC currently has 3 undergraduate programs and 6 graduate programs approved for an out-of-state tuition waiver with 10 states through the Academic Common Market.