Institutional Research Resources
AAUP - American Association of University Professors
AIR - Association for Institutional Research
AIR - IR Resources - Association for Institutional Research Comprehensive list of IR Resources
Census - U.S. Census Bureau
Chronicle - The Chronicle of Higher Education
CSRDE - The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange
CUPA-HR - College & University Professional Association for Human Resources
IPEDS - The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
NCES - National Center for Educational Statistics
NCHEMS - National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
SACS - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
SACSCOC - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
SAIR - Southern Association for Institutional Research
SREB - Southern Regional Education Board
SUG - Southern Universities Group (Thanks to GSU for the linked table)
TENNAIR - Tennessee Association for Institutional Research - Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development
THEC - Tennessee Higher Education Commission
UT - Knoxville - Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
UT - Martin - Office of Institutional Research
UT - System - Office of Research
WICHE - Western Interstate Council of Higher Education