Graduate Council
The Graduate Council is responsible for providing and periodically revising basic educational philosophy for graduate programs, for ensuring the maintenance of high standards in the graduate programs offered and for proposing and recommending to the Faculty Senate new graduate programs.
The Graduate Council reviews new courses to be offered for graduate credit as well as other changes in the content of individual graduate programs. The Graduate Council is responsible for ensuring that general admission policies as established by the Board of Trustees and specific policies approved for individual graduate programs are maintained.
The Graduate Council hears graduate students petitions and grade appeals. The Graduate Council reports its curriculum and standards actions to the Faculty Senate executive committee with recommendations for implementation or appropriate disposition.
Each graduate degree program shall have one representative who is a voting member of Graduate Council.
Members of Graduate Council serve two-year terms. One-half of the Council is appointed by the respective program at the conclusion of the spring semester in odd-numbered years for a term of office beginning the following fall semester. The other half of the council is appointed in even-numbered years. Members may be reappointed with no term limit.
Ex officio: The dean of the Graduate School, the associate dean of the Graduate School, the dean of the Library, the University Registrar and the Graduate Student Association president.
Administrative support for Graduate Council is provided by the Graduate School.
Meeting Dates
All meetings are in the Southern Writers Room on the 4 floor of the library at 3:15 p.m. every fourth Thursday of the month.
Graduate Council Minutes
Available on Canvas.