About the UTC Library
The UTC Library services all UTC students, faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as the local community. The UTC Library is well equipped to support the research and scholarship needs of the UTC community with an operating budget of over 4.1 million dollars, a dynamic and engaged faculty and staff, a new library building that opened in January 2015, and a broad collection of diverse materials including 600,000 print and ebooks, over 30,000 digital journals available, 150+ indexes and databases, and more.
The UTC Library connects our community with the information, skills, and resources needed to discover, create, and share knowledge. We provide access to high quality services and materials in a welcoming environment that supports the journey toward academic success and lifelong learning.
UTC Library’s values statement serves as the foundation for our organizational culture, shapes our decisions, and informs how we design and deliver services. Our core values guide us in carrying out our mission, envisioning our future, and informing strategic planning, budget decisions, hiring, collection development, and service provision. We recognize and commit to growth in areas where our current reality does not reflect our aspirations. As the UTC Library evolves, we will refine these values to reflect those of our community, our employees, and our profession.
We value the success of students, faculty, and staff
We build user-centered collections and services that promote lifelong learning and achievement of educational, personal, and professional goals. We foster curiosity and inquiry, critical thinking and self-efficacy. We design, implement, and maintain physical and technological infrastructure that supports discovery and accessibility of library resources.
We strive for equity, diversity, and inclusion
We believe that a broad diversity of identities, backgrounds, lived experiences, and viewpoints within the library allows us to best serve the members of the UTC community. We are driven to provide equitable access to information and resources by meeting the unique needs of each individual. We encourage all to bring their authentic selves in their engagement with the library and strive to include and represent these diverse perspectives in our administration, services, and collections.
We serve with integrity
We honor the trust placed in us to be careful stewards of human, financial, and physical resources. We invest in the professional growth of all library employees and celebrate their contributions to the UTC community. We protect intellectual freedom, privacy, and confidentiality. We resist censorship.
We foster empathy and respect
We meet our community, inside and outside of our organization, with a spirit of collaboration, understanding, and openness to learning from others. We commit to making decisions transparently, communicating clearly and honestly, and valuing each person’s perspective and experience.