Visitor Information
Welcome Visitors!
The UTC Library serves all UTC students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community guests to support information and research needs.
Review the information below to plan your visit to the UTC Library.
Building Access
Community guests are not required to sign-in or show identification when entering the UTC Library during regular business hours. Children must be supervised by an adult chaperone. All guests and visitors are expected to abide by the Building Use and Conduct policy.
Directions, Parking, and Accessibility
The UTC Library is located at the following address:
600 Douglas Street
Chattanooga, TN 37403
Guest parking is available in metered spots adjacent to the Library along Douglas, Oak, and Vine Streets. Guests may also park in the Mocs Alumni Drive parking garage (Lot 31).
Guests with limited mobility may enter the Library via an external elevator located under the main stairwell on the Douglas Street plaza. The elevator brings guests to the main entrance of the Library.
Explore driving directions, parking information, and campus maps.
Internet, Database, and Computer Access
Internet Access
UTC provides wireless internet access to guests. There are two methods for accessing the internet through the UTC network.
Self-Registered Guest Account
Guests may sign up for 1-day access to the UTC WiFi network through a self-registration process. Accounts are good for the device used to create the account. Self-registered accounts expire at 3 am.
Sign up for Guest network access
Guest accounts provide access to the Internet, but do not allow access to online library resources like databases, journals, or ebooks.
Eduroam is a secure, world-wide WiFi service intended for education and research communities. Anyone that is part of a participating institution can connect to and use the eduroam wireless network at any other participating institutions.
Guests visiting from another university that is a member of eduroam may connect to the internet through the eduroam wireless network. Eduroam is available in all university buildings, including the dorms.
Database Access
The Library provides access to a limited number of guest computers that have access to the UTC Library Databases on the First Floor. Guests may check in at any service desk in the library to get a guest credentials slip in order to login to the computers with database access.
Computer Access
The Library provides access to computers that have access to the internet and a basic suite of software, including Microsoft Office. Guests may check in at any service desk in the library to get a guest credentials slip in order to login to the computers throughout the building.
Guests must follow the University of Tennessee System Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy and present one of the following valid IDs:
- University or school
- Driver’s license, government, or military ID
- UTC alumni or retiree ID
- UTC Library Community Borrower Card
Guest Database Access is only available when there are library staff at the Check Out Desk. Computers located in the Studio and Classrooms are not available for guest users except when enrolled in a sponsored workshop, training, or event.
Printing and Scanning
Printing is available to guests for a fee. A credit card is required. Guests may purchase a printing card for $5, which allows them to maintain a Scrappy Cash balance and access the campus print fleet. Prints and copies then cost $0.07 per page for black and white or $0.35 per page for color. This guest card may also be used at other campus locations accepting this currency, such as the bookstore or food service locations, which accept Scrappy Cash.
Scanning is available on the First and Second Floors. Flatbed scanners can be used at public computers on the Second Floor. Please see staff at the Research Services Desk for assistance. A freestanding overhead document/book scanner is available on the first floor for book and article scanning. See the Check Out Desk for assistance with the overhead scanner. You will need a valid e-mail address or USB drive to save scans when using scanners.
Browsing and Borrowing Privileges
Print and Microformat Resources
The main print collection is found on the Ground and First floors of the Library and is open for public browsing and in-library use. New arrivals and current newspapers can be found on the First floor with DVDs, bound journals, and monographs on Ground. Microfilm and microfilm readers are found on the Ground floor as well.
Checking out materials is limited to specific user communities. The Library offers a community borrowing program and extends borrowing privileges to students from other colleges and universities with reciprocal agreements. Please see information on borrowing, or stop by the Check Out Desk with any questions.
Online Collections and Resources
Access to online licensed library resources is restricted on- and off-campus to current students, faculty, and staff. Access to online resources is provided on a limited number of desktop workstations on the Second Floor. Guests must check in at the Research Services Desk on the Second Floor to be logged in for access.
As a resident of Tennessee, Georgia, or Alabama, guests may have access to research databases, ebooks, and journal articles through statewide virtual library networks. Please see the following links for access to online resources (Choose the state that applies to you):
- Tennessee Residents: Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL)
- Georgia Residents: GALILEO (visit your public library for a password)
- Alabama Residents: Alabama Virtual Library
Equipment and Study Rooms
Open tables, comfortable chairs, quiet study lounges, and study carrels may be found throughout the building. Access to group study rooms and meeting rooms are limited to current UTC students, faculty, and staff.
Circulating equipment, including Studio equipment, is limited to current UTC students, faculty, and staff. A limited number of 3-hour laptops are available at the Check Out Desk for guest users with a Courtesy Card. For a complete list of equipment borrowing privileges, please visit the Borrow and Return Materials page.
Special Collections
Special Collections is located on the Fourth floor of the UTC Library. Appointments are strongly encouraged for all researchers, including guests. For information on planning your visit, refer to the Special Collections’ homepage.
Research Assistance
Research assistance is available from the Research Services Desk located on the Second floor of the UTC Library. Please see the Research Services Hours for specific times. If you have a particular research or information question you’d like assistance with before your visit, please e-mail, call, or chat with us.