Building Use and Conduct Policies
The mission of the UTC Library is to contribute to the intellectual endeavors of the UTC community by assisting in the discovery of information and providing the infrastructure and resources for learning.
The UTC Library is committed to maintaining a supportive, welcoming environment conducive to research and study. To meet this end, all Library patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner. Please stop by the nearest service desk if you have any questions or concerns regarding these building use guidelines.
All policies apply to online and physical learning spaces.
If you have any questions or concerns about building use guidelines, stop by the first floor Check Out Desk, email us at [email protected], or call 423-425-4501.
- UTC Library does not permit any behavior which is incompatible with use of the library by its patrons or staff. Specific examples of disruptive behaviors include, but are not limited to:
- creating excessive noise
- hostile or rowdy behavior
- harassment of patrons or staff, including sexual harassment
- signs of drunkenness or other substance abuse
- bringing bedding or excessive amounts of personal property into the UTC Library
- sexual behavior
- bringing weapons into the UTC Library
- entering areas of the library marked “Staff Only” without permission
- posing a sanitary or health risk to others, including but not limited to offensive hygiene
- using the restrooms for purposes other than those for which they were intended, including but not limited to bathing
- In compliance with University policy, the use of alcohol and tobacco products is not permitted.
- UTC Library is not responsible for personal items left unattended in the Library. Unattended personal items may be subject to search and/or confiscation by UTC security personnel.
- Wheelchairs and other accessibility devices are welcome in the UTC Library.
- Other wheeled devices including hover boards, skateboards, and rollerblades must be carried.
- Bicycles are not allowed inside the library building. Bike racks are located outside the library on the Chamberlain Field courtyard and along the Vine Street side of the building.
- Identified service animals are welcome in the UTC Library. No other animals (including emotional support animals) are permitted.
- The wearing of shirts and shoes is required.
- Children must be in the immediate vicinity of and in visual contact with a parent/caregiver. Security may be contacted if the responsible adult is not present.
- UTC Library adheres to the Academic Affairs Facilities Use Policy and the UTC Facilities Use Policy.
Patrons engaging in disruptive or prohibited behavior will be asked to cease or leave the library.
Disciplinary action for violating library policy shall be governed by the applicable provisions of the UTC Student Handbook, the UTC Faculty Handbook, UT Personnel Policy manuals, and local, state, and federal laws.
Library Meeting Rooms and Classrooms
- Due to space limitations, Library Meeting Rooms are restricted to academic classes and library-related purposes. All other needs should be submitted through the Request Now link on the Reserve a Room page. Approvals are handled on a case-by- case basis.
- Small and Medium Study Rooms are available for reservation. For more information, see the Reserve a Room page.
Power Outlets
- Devices needing electrical supply can only be used near designated outlets. Power cords may not be strung across walkways.
Posting Flyers and Announcements in the Library
The UTC Library provides a Community Bulletin Board on which printed materials may be displayed to help promote your event, service, or program to the UTC community. The bulletin board is located on the 1st floor, on the wall beside the entrance for LIB Room 131. The community bulletin board is the only area within the Library where non-library materials may be posted. Non-library materials found in other areas of the Library will immediately be removed and discarded.
To post on the Community Bulletin Board, you do not need permission from Library staff. Instead, simply follow these guidelines:
- Limit of 1 material per event/program; duplicates will be removed and discarded
- Post material on available space only; do not cover previously-posted materials
- Undated materials will be removed regularly; please include a due date / expiration date to avoid having your material prematurely removed
- Outdated materials will be removed at regular intervals (as will materials not in compliance with these guidelines)
- Materials will not be returned after removal; if you need to recover your material, please remove it from the bulletin board prior to the expiration date.
- The UTC Library reserves the right to remove any materials at any time.
Please note that the community bulletin board is located beside a Library bulletin board and these bulletin boards are clearly marked with signage to distinguish them from each other. Please do not post your materials on the Library bulletin board. Non-library materials posted on the Library's bulletin board will be immediately removed.
Inclement Weather/Emergency Closing Policy
In the case of inclement weather or other emergency, please contact the Check Out Desk at 423-425-4501 for library hours. For the official University closing policy, see Procedure for Administrative Closings/Suspension of Operations. In general, the library uses the following guidelines:
- If UTC is officially closed, the Library is closed.
- If UTC's opening is officially delayed, the Library will open at the same time as the University.
- If UTC officially closes early, the Library will close at the same time as the University.
- If inclement weather or another emergency occurs at a time when the Library is open but classes are not in session, Library hours will be determined by the Library Dean.