Albert Salatka

Albert Salatka
Director of Acquisitions and Content Management; Assistant Professor
LIB 119K
Al currently serves as the Director of Acquisitions and Content Management and manages the library’s $1.9 million materials budget. He leads the unit’s initiatives in print and online collection development and management, along with cataloging and metadata. His research interests include improving technical services workflows, collection assessment, and innovations in library resource sharing. He has volunteered with the Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) organization’s RapidILL working group and continues to participate in regional resource sharing initiatives in the Southeast.
Al started in his role as the Director of Acquisitions and Content Management in September 2023. He has been with the UTC Library since 2016, serving as both the Cataloging and Metadata Librarian and the Collections Specialist for ILL and E-Resources. He earned his BA in History and Philosophy from Loyola University Chicago in 2015 and his MS in Information Sciences from the University of Tennessee in 2020.