Student Support
We want our students to be successful both in their academic and professional career!
If you're struggling or need to better hone your study skills, UTC's Center for Academic Support and Advisement may be of assistance to you. Their mission is to promote academic excellence and facilitate student success. They offer a variety of workshops designed to assist students, help provide referrals to campus resources, and promote the development of skills needed for academic success. They can provide information on tutoring, study groups, note taking, learning styles, and test taking tips.
If you need some help with trying to figure out "what's next" once you graduate or just need someone to talk to, UTC's Counseling Center is available for all students. The Counseling Center is a place where students can go to receive services designed to help handle day-to-day challenges while encouraging their personal growth and development. Services provided by the Center include personal, career, and academic counseling, as well as crisis intervention. Services are confidential and offered by professionally trained counselors and psychologists. Most services are free of charge, however, there is a minimal charge for testing.
STEM Education Student Organization
Looking for a way to get more involved on campus or to connect and network with other STEM majors? The STEM Education Student Organization might be exactly what you're looking for.
The NEST, Living and Learning Community
The NEST is a Living & Learning Community for incoming UTC freshmen education majors and minors. Living in the School of Education's exclusive RLC will set you up with an immediate educational network in Chattanooga during your first year. In addition, you will gain early clinical experiences through volunteering with the UTC PAWS program, and complete USTU 1999 and EDUC 2010 courses in a cohort setting throughout your first academic year. You will also have access to early PRAXIS preparation, priority registration, professional development, priority for School of Education scholarships, open door advisement, graduation cords, and more! Becoming apart of the NEST will do exactly what the name says, nurture you to become an effective and successful teacher! For more information, click here!