STEM 3020
Research Methods
Recent developments and research methods in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students perform independent inquiries and learn to combine skills from STEM to solve research problems. Every semester.Prerequisites: University, STEM, and major department grade point averages of at least 2.75; ENGL 1020 or UHON 1020, an approved general education statistics course and completion of all 1000-level major courses with a minimum grade of C; STEM 2020 with a minimum grade of C or STEM Education program Director approval. Admission to the STEM Education program. Laboratory/studio course fee will be assessed.
A few of the projects:
Central Limit Theorem Demo
Effects of future precipitation on native and non-native grass species for ROW revegetation
Rebekah Hook, a recent graduate of the STEM program, did her research on ROW (power line right-of-way) revegetation. She studied the growth rates of native and non-native grass species with varying water treatment levels for several weeks to determine which species would be best suited for the region. The following is an excerpt from her report.
When ROWs are installed, land is stripped of existing vegetation, leaving soil exposed. It is crucial to establish vegetation post-construction, as well as keeping the vegetation low in stature to permit easy access by maintenance equipment. When considering the revegetation of stripped land in specific regions, it is important to study future climate change models for that region in order to successfully establish vegetation that will flourish under the given conditions. Without understanding a region’s future climate, plant growth over time could significantly decrease. This decrease in vegetation could leave more stripped land, and events like erosion would occur more frequently (IPCC, 2007).
Climate Change and Precipitation rates
Native and Non-native grass species
[1] IPCC. (2007) Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.