A Student must complete all requirements in one checkpoint before moving to the next.
Checkpoint 1
This step must be complete within the first week of STEM 1030.
- Background Check and Liability Insurance
The State of Tennessee and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Teacher Education Program requires you to undergo a Tennessee/TBI fingerprint-based background check. Please follow the steps below:
- Go to UTC Learn (Canvas) and find the SOE Background Check and Liability Insurance page.
- Follow the instructions listed for background checks.
- If you do not see this page, please email [email protected]
Please note that the assignment will not be fully graded until you have completed the actual background check through IdentoGo, This process will include filling out and signing the Fingerprint Release Form, AND scheduling an appointment through IdentoGo for fingerprinting.
Helpful Links:
Fingerprint Release Form: Fingerprint Release Form
IdentoGo: Tennessee Applicant Processing Services Form
Professional Liability Insurance
To apply for Professional Student Liability Insurance:
- Go to UTC Learn (Canvas) and find the SOE Background Check and Liability Insurance page.
- Follow the instructions listed for liability insurance.
- If you do not see this page, please email [email protected]
There are three acceptable options for liability insurance:
- Professional Educators of Tennessee website
- Tennessee Education Association website
- Association of American Educators
Insurance purchased in the Bursar's Office is no longer accepted!
**Each insurance option has different expiration dates, so please check before purchasing.
Fingerprinting Policies
Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 5, Part 5610 specifies that all students wishing to enter approved teacher training programs in Tennessee shall be required to submit to a criminal history background check.
I. Policy Background
TCA 49-5-5610 requires students wishing to enter an approved teacher training program in Tennessee to:
- Agree to the release of all investigative records to the administrator of the teacher training program;
- Supply a fingerprint sample and submit to a criminal history records check to be conducted by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation;
- Sign an authorization and release form authorizing a qualified Tennessee licensed private investigation company to complete a criminal history records check.
II. Institutional Policy
In order to comply with TCA 49-5-5610, institutions are required to implement policies that address the following:
- Before acceptance into an approved teacher training program, students must complete in its entirety and sign a background check authorization form that is provided by the University of Tennessee.
- As part of the admission process to approved teacher education programs, students must supply a fingerprint sample to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and submit to a criminal history records check performed by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
- Entrance to the teacher training program shall be denied if the student has a past conviction that would trigger automatic revocation of a teaching license, as provided in the Rules of the Tennessee Board of Education (0520-2-4-.01)
Students shall be denied admission to teacher preparation programs if they have been convicted of any of the following criminal offenses (as provided in the Rules of the Tennessee Board of Education 0520-2-4-.01).
- Murder in the first degree
- Murder in the second degree
- Especially aggravated kidnapping
- Aggravated kidnapping
- Especially aggravated robbery
- Aggravated rape
- Rape
- Aggravated sexual battery
- Rape of a child
- Aggravated child abuse
- Aggravated rape of a child
- Sexual exploitation of a minor involving more than one hundred (100) images
- Aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor involving more than twenty-five (25) images
- Especially aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor
- Manufacture of a controlled substance
- Delivery of a controlled substance
- Sale of a controlled substance
- Possession of a controlled substance with intent to manufacture, deliver, or sell the controlled substance
- Contacting the STEM Education Advisor
Contact Dr. Ellis, STEM Education Advisor, to determine the outline for your STEM Education classes.
- Establish Livetext Account
Beginning in STEM 1030, all students will be required to utilize Livetext in the majority of Education classes.
- Have proof of ACT composite test score of 21 or above on Enhanced ACT or a combined verbal and mathematics score of 1020 on the Re-centered SAT.
If these test scores are not accessible through MyMocsNet, it is the students responsibility to provide the department with score reports.
- UTC offers a Residual ACT Test through the Testing office located in the Office Planning, Evaluation, and Institutional Research on a weekly basis. Preregistration is required.
- If you do not meet the requirements listed above, you must pass the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Tests (reading, writing and mathematics OR combined). The test is offered sporadically and dates fill up quickly, so please schedule your test date early to ensure you meet the deadline. The test appointment is 5 hours. Approximately, two weeks after you take the test, your scores will be available electronically to you as a PDF document. You must email Dr. Ellis, the STEM Education Advisor a copy of this PDF to meet this requirement.
- Demonstrate the Dispositions of an Effective Educator
The School of Education has identified eight dispositions with specific indicators that the effective professional educator displays. The effective professional educator demonstrates a commitment to the following.
1. Professional ethics
- Maintaining my position as a positive role model for students and others in regular attendance, grooming, punctuality, and professional demeanor
- Demonstrating positive work habits and interpersonal skills, including a positive attitude, dependability, honesty, and respect for others Maintaining the standards of confidentiality regarding student information and communications
- Using sound judgment and thoughtful decision-making with consideration of the consequences.
2. Collaboration
- Collaborating with other professionals to improve the overall learning of students
- Understanding and involving a wide variety of resources in the school, family, culture, and community to facilitate student learning
3. Diversity
- Recognizing students' unique prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests as part of the context for student learning
- Understanding and involving a wide variety of resources in the school, family, culture, and community to facilitate student learning
- Providing equitable learning opportunities for all students
4. Self-reflection
- Life-long learning and personal growth through reflection, seeking constructive feedback, and willingness to learn from others and past experience
- Using analysis and reflection to assess and plan for student learning
5. Belief in students' ability to learn
- Promoting achievement of students at all levels
- Understanding and involving a wide variety of resources in the school, family, culture, and community to facilitate student learning
- Developing students' skills as problem-solvers as they progress toward becoming independent, self-directed learners
- Effective planning and classroom organization as tools in maximizing the time available for instruction and learning
6. Technology
- Understanding and involving a wide variety of resources in the school, family, culture, and community to facilitate student learning
- Using analysis and reflection to assess and plan for student learning
7. The teaching profession
- Accepting responsibility for what occurs in my classroom and for other school-wide responsibilities that contribute to student learning and a safe, orderly environment
- Using sound judgment and thoughtful decision-making with consideration of the consequences
- Life-long learning and personal growth through reflection, seeking constructive feedback, and willingness to learn from others and past experience
- Participating in professional growth activities within and outside the school
8. Professional growth
- Participating in professional growth activities within and outside the school
- Life-long learning and personal growth through reflection, seeking constructive feedback, and willingness to learn from others and past experience
- 2.75 GPA (UTC and cumulative)
A student must have at least a 2.75 Cumulative GPA as well as at least a 2.75 UTC GPA. Cumulative GPA includes all course grades that you have ever had, while your UTC GPA only counts grades earned in courses taken at UTC.
It is your responsibility to keep track of your GPA each semester. In order to view your GPA, you need to log in to MyMocsDegree. This will show both your Cumulative and UTC GPA.
Concerned about not meeting the GPA requirements? Calculate your GPA or use the GPA Calculator on your MyMocsDegree to see what grades you will need in order to achieve and/or maintain the GPA requirements.- STEM Education Writing Assessment Essay
Take and receive a passing score on the STEM Education writing assessment essay. This assessment is usually give the last week of STEM 1030.
- STEM 1030 - Step One/Step Two (Minimum grade of C and documentation of field experience)
Introduction to mathematics and science teaching as a career. Discussions include standards-based lesson design; various teaching methods designed to meet instructional goals; behavior management strategies; and learner goals. The course emphasizes lesson planning and assessment of student learning. Students develop and teach inquiry-based lessons to students in middle grades and to students in grades three through five, all in local elementary and middle schools, and participate in peer coaching. Every semester. Field component. No credit toward Education degree. Every semester.
- STEM Education Application Form
Completion and submission of the STEM Education Application Form.
Checkpoint 2
Checkpoint 2 involves admission into the STEM Education program and must be completed before the student can enroll in Knowing and Learning (STEM 2010) and is normally completed after successful completion of STEM 1030 (receiving a grade of C or better).
- Minimum 2.75 GPA* (UTC, cumulative, STEM and content)
Content course work must be passed with a C or better
- Applied Math STEM, all MATH courses you must pass with a C or better
- Biology STEM, all BIO courses you must pass with a C or better
- Chemistry STEM, all CHEM courses you must pass with a C or better
- Computer Science STEM, all CPSC courses you must pass with a C or better
- Geology STEM, all GEOL courses you must pass with a C or better Physics STEM, all PHYS courses you must pass with a C or better
- STEM 2010 - Knowing and Learning (Minimum grade of C)
Course introduces the teacher candidate to the psychological foundations of educational theory and practice especially as it applies to the teaching of mathematics and science. Topics include learning theories and the contributions of leaders in the field of knowing and learning, learner characteristics and diversity, intelligence, motivation, and various models of teaching math and science for all learners. It offers a broad base of content focused on human learning as well as a more in-depth look at how students learn and retain concepts in mathematics and science. Every semester. Prerequisites: University, STEM and major department grade point averages of at least 2.75; STEM 1030 with a minimum grade of C or STEM Education Director approval. Admission to the STEM Education program.
- Interview
Submit an Interview and complete the Admission Interview.
- Resume
STEM Education applicants must submit a completed resume to Dr. Ellis ([email protected]) to fulfill an admission requirement to the program. The resume requirement reflects the professional aspect of the program. It is the intention of the STEM Education department to ensure that you take advantage of the opportunities offered by the department in order to increase professional development. The resume must include the following:
- Name
- Address
- Degree Status
- Major(s)
- Employment History
- Other Information
- Volunteer work
- Honors
- Etc.
It is strongly advised that students utilize the Career and Professional Development Center's Resume Dr prior to their formal submission.
Checkpoint 3
Checkpoint 3 must be completed after all STEM Education courses have been passed with a C or better, but before the student is able to enroll in Apprentice Teaching (STEM 4020).
- Minimum 2.75 GPA* (UTC, cumulative, STEM and content)
Content course work must be passed with a C or better
- Applied Math STEM, all MATH courses you must pass with a C or better
- Biology STEM, all BIO courses you must pass with a C or better
- Chemistry STEM, all CHEM courses you must pass with a C or better
- Computer Science STEM, all CPSC courses you must pass with a C or better
- Geology STEM, all GEOL courses you must pass with a C or better
- Physics STEM, all PHYS courses you must pass with a C or better
- STEM Education Coursework
Successfully complete all remaining STEM Education course work with grades of C or better, with the exception of Apprentice Teaching and Apprentice Teaching Seminar.
- Preliminary Portfolio
Student teachers must complete an online portfolio using the Livetext software. Students must have acceptable evaluations and observations by their Professors in Residence (PIR) and cooperating teachers to successfully pass student teaching. Below are the four documents that require verification by the PIR and the cooperating teacher. Electronic signatures are accepted. Other portfolio requirements are listed in the Student Teaching Handbook. Portfolio
- Evaluation Form: Located in the Student Teaching Handbook, this form must be documented in the students' Livetext portfolios. The Professor in Residence completes this evaluation. Student
- Assessments: Pre and post-test student assessments or formal assessments must be documented in the students' Livetext portfolios. Information on completing the pre and post-test assessment are located in the Student Teaching Handbook. Summary of Hours: The Summary of Hours form is located in the Student Teaching Handbook and must be documented in the students' Livetext portfolios. Final
- Evaluations: Final evaluations will be emailed to your cooperating teachers two weeks prior to the end of each placement. The cooperating teacher must complete the evaluation, print it out, and submit it electronically. Students must document the completed evaluations in their portfolios.
- Apprentice Teaching Application
Apprentice Teaching application completed, submitted and accepted.
Fall Semester: March 1 Spring Semester: September 1
- Updated Resume
Prior to the student teaching semester, each student will submit an electronic copy of his or her resume to the Field Placement Coordinator. The updated resume should include updated information, show growth in professional development, and any additional experience gained.
Submit resume to [email protected]. Save your file as Resume_Lastname and email it with the subject head, "Resume."
- Praxis II Exams
Successfully completed Praxis II exams with scores reported prior to Apprentice Teaching.
- Apprentice/Student Teaching
Applications for apprentice/student teaching are located online here. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Field Placement Coordinator, Hunter 312.
Students who wish to enroll in student teaching or the induction experience for the fall semester must submit their applications by the previous March 1st. For those students who seek spring student teaching, the application deadline is the previous September 1st.
Students participating in student teaching or the induction experience may not enroll in additional coursework except under certain specified conditions. For further information, contact the Certification Officer or the TEP Advisor in Hunter 312.
Mandatory seminars occur during the first week of the semester. Students must attend all seminars. Only students who have met all qualifications for student teaching can attend the seminars. Students are informed of their placements during the first seminar day.
All student teachers must hold updated liability insurance as well as a successful background check. Those must be on file with the School of Education. Information on fingerprinting and background checks can be found here.
- Admission to Apprentice/Student Teaching
Once students are admitted to Apprentice/Student Teaching, they will receive an email with their registration PINs and applicable courses.
Checkpoint 4
- Completion of Apprentice/Student Teaching
The Apprentice/Student Teaching Experience at UTC is a 16-week field-based practicum experience and is an integral component of the teacher education program. It is during this period that the student participates as a pre-professional in the public schools. Essentially, this is the experience which provides the student with the arena for converting theory to practice and demonstrating potential to perform the teaching-learning process. Whenever possible, the candidates are placed in cohort groups of 6-12 student teachers per site. There is no college supervisor; instead, there is a professor-in-residence (PIR). The PIR gives the equivalent of one day per week service to the K-12 school and may be utilized to write grants, do in-service, etc. The PIR acts as a liaison between UTC and the school.
Student teachers must successfully complete two assigned placements. One placement is typically in a rural school setting and the other an urban setting. Placements are assigned by the Field Placement Coordinator, Hunter 312. The student teaching assignment depends on state requirements for the licensure area.
- 2.75 * GPA (UTC, Cumulative, Education, and Content)
All students must have and maintain: 2.75 Cumulative GPA 2.75 UTC GPA (this includes all courses taken at UTC) 2.75 GPA on all professional courses with no grade lower than a C 2.75 GPA in content area courses with no grade lower than a C.
- Completion of ePortfolio
Student teachers must complete an online portfolio using the Livetext software. Students must have acceptable evaluations and observations by their Professors in Residence (PIR) and cooperating teachers to successfully pass student teaching. Below are the four documents that require verification by the PIR and the cooperating teacher. Electronic signatures are accepted. Other portfolio requirements are listed in the Student Teaching Handbook Portfolio
- Evaluation Form: Located in the Student Teaching Handbook, this form must be documented in the students’ Livetext portfolios. The Professor in Residence completes this evaluation. Student
- Assessments: Pre and post-test student assessments or formal assessments must be documented in the students’ Livetext portfolios. Information on completing the pre and post-test assessment are located in the Student Teaching Handbook. Summary of Hours: The Summary of Hours form is located in the Student Teaching Handbook and must be documented in the students’ Livetext portfolios. Final
- Evaluations: Final evaluations will be emailed to your cooperating teachers two weeks prior to the end of each placement. The cooperating teacher must complete the evaluation, print it out, and submit it electronically. Students must document the completed evaluations in their portfolios.
A student must complete all requirements in Checkpoint 4 to complete his/her program.
Post-Graduation/Induction Support
- Resources
- Complete UTeach demographic survey annually.
- Submit induction years' reflections/perceptions.
*GPA requirements are dictated by the Tennessee Department of Education and are subject to change.