Transitioning to Research Project of Practice
Transitioning from Advisor to Research Project Chair
Upon admission to candidacy, the faculty guidance of the candidate will transition from the Program Director/Advisor to working directly with a Research Project of Practice Chair (and subsequently, a committee). The Research Project Chair must be a LEAD faculty member and fully approved member of the UTC Graduate Faculty.
Preparing for a Successful Research Project of Practice Experience
For doctoral candidates, the Research Project of Practice is the most intellectually and emotionally challenging part of doctoral study. The Research Project of Practice should be an application of the research and inquiry skills taught throughout the program. Candidates should be able to identify a problem in their individual professional practice and propose a solution to that problem with the intention of evaluating the learning task to determine its impact on the identified problem. This project represents the final project for the degree and will include a formal presentation/defense to a committee.
Enrollment in LEAD 7899R Research Project of Practice
Registration instructions for LEAD 7899R Research Project of Practice are provided by the Program Office each semester. The default number of credit hours is 3. It is generally recommended that EdD candidates enroll in 3 Research Project of Practice credit hours each semester, particularly during the initial semesters. The number of Research Project of Practice credit hours is directly related to Research Project of Practice progress (Satisfactory Progress/No Progress). Candidates are encouraged to consult with the Research Project of Practice Chair (or Co-Chairs) prior to enrolling in more than 4 Research Project of Practice credit hours. Continuous enrollment in the Research Project of Practice is required every semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer) through successful final defense and acceptance of the Research Project of Practice by the Graduate School. A minimum of 12 total Research Project of Practice credit hours is required for the EdD. Failure to maintain continuous enrollment will result in program dismissal. Any questions regarding your specific Research Project of Practice timeline or the appropriate number of credit hours should be directed to the Research Project of Practice Chair (or Co-Chairs).