Leadership and Professional/Instructional Practice Maintaining Continuous Enrollment
In the doctoral program, each participant/candidate must remain continuously enrolled in coursework at UTC or another institution. Continuous enrollment in the doctoral program applies to the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. During the core program of study, each participant is required to enroll in 6 core credit hours as described in the core course sequence (link: EdD Program of Study). Enrollment in more (or less) than 6 core credit hours (at UTC or other institution) requires Program Director/Advisor pre-approval in writing.
Once the core program of study has been completed, the participant is required to remain continuously enrolled in course work (between 3-6 elective credit hours per semester). If a participant enrolls in approved elective coursework at another institution and does not enroll at UTC for the given semester, the participant must provide the LEAD Program Office with official proof of enrollment by the end of the UTC registration period in order to satisfy continuous enrollment standards.
Participants who have successfully completed all pre-candidacy requirements with the exception of the Comprehensive Assessment are required to maintain continuous enrollment by enrolling in LEAD 7995 Comprehensive Assessment Continuance (3 credit hours) in order to prepare for successful defense of the Comprehensive Assessment. Failure to complete the Comprehensive Assessment within two semesters after finalizing the core program of study may result in program dismissal.
Upon admission to candidacy, the candidate is required to enroll in LEAD 7750 Research Pre-Project of Practice (5 credit hours). Upon successful completion of LEAD 7750r, the candidate is required to maintain continuous enrollment in LEAD 7889r Research Project of Practice (minimum of 3 credit hours/maximum of 6 credit hours) every semester through the successful presentation/defense of the Research Project of Practice and acceptance of the Research Project of Practice by the Graduate School. Failure to remain continuously enrolled will result in program dismissal.
Leave of Absence and Re-engagement Processes
After successful completion of the foundational course, a participant/candidate may request a one-time leave of absence by emailing the Program Office ([email protected]). The Program Office will offer to schedule a meeting with the Program Director/Advisor to discuss all available options and resources. Following the meeting, the Program Office will provide a pre-populated form for the participant to complete, digitally sign and return to the Program Office ([email protected]). If approved at the program level, the request will be submitted for review to the Graduate School. The leave of absence may not exceed one calendar year (maximum of three semesters). All degree requirements must be completed within a ten year time frame (link: Program Time Limit). The complete Leave of Absence policy, including the Pregnancy / Childbirth / Adoption Leave policy, is available in the Graduate Catalog.
If the participant has not yet advanced to candidacy prior to the leave of absence, s/he will not be permitted to enroll in any course work during the leave of absence (core, elective, or transfer credits). The participant’s academic standing will not be affected by the leave of absence. If a participant fails to enroll once the leave of absence has expired, s/he will be dismissed from the program.
Re-engagement: In order to return to the program following an approved leave of absence, the participant should contact the Program Office ([email protected]) in writing a minimum of 14 days prior to the start of the semester to request to re-engage. The Program Office will provide Graduate School readmission instructions. Following readmission to the Graduate School, the Program Office will schedule an advisement session with the Program Director/Advisor and will clear the participant to register for courses during the prescribed LEAD registration period. The participant must meet all graduate regulations in effect upon readmission. All degree requirements must be completed within a 10 year time frame (link: Program Time Limit).
Candidacy/Research Project of Practice Researcher
If the participant has advanced to candidacy prior to the leave of absence, s/he is not permitted to conduct any material work on the Research Project of Practice or collect any data during the leave of absence. The leave of absence is not an opportunity to conduct work on the Research Project of Practice while avoiding Continuous Enrollment. If a candidate fails to enroll once the leave of absence has expired, s/he will be dismissed from the program.
Re-engagement: In order to return to the program following an approved leave of absence, the candidate should contact the Program Office ([email protected]) in writing a minimum of 14 days prior to the start of the semester to request to re-engage. The Program Office will provide Graduate School readmission instructions. Following readmission to the Graduate School, the Program Office will schedule an advisement session with the Program Director/Advisor and will clear the candidate to register for courses during the prescribed LEAD registration period. The candidate must meet all graduate regulations in effect upon readmission. All degree requirements must be met within a 10 year time frame (link: Program Time Limit).
Request to Withdraw
If a participant/candidate elects to withdraw completely from the doctoral program, s/he must notify the Program Office ([email protected]) in writing of his/her intent to withdraw. At that time, the Program Office will offer to schedule a meeting with the Program Director/Advisor to discuss all available options and resources. Following the meeting, the Program Office will provide instructions on how to drop any currently enrolled courses. The participant/candidate is accountable for fulfillment of any outstanding financial or academic responsibilities. Once withdrawn (or dismissed), a participant/candidate would need to reapply to the doctoral program in order to return. Readmission would require full participation in the program admission process and all regulations in effect at the time of readmission.