Proposal Process and Defense
Proposal Process and Defense
Data collection may not begin until the Research Project of Practice Proposal has been successfully defended and the study has received IRB approval.
The Research Project of Practice Proposal
The Proposal should be prepared in accordance with UTC formatting/APA style guidelines and should include a committee page similar to the committee page for the Research Project of Practice, as shown in the Graduate Manuscript Standards. The Research Project of Practice Proposal should also include a Title page which replaces the word “Research Project of Practice” with “Proposal.”
The Proposal includes the first three chapters (Introduction, Literature Review, and Methodology) and their traditional elements, the References, and appropriate Appendices (surveys, assessments, measurement scales). The Proposal typically begins with a description of the context or background for the research question(s) in the study. It also defines key terms and variables and identifies hypotheses.
For additional information, please refer to Completing your evaluation dissertation, thesis, or culminating project by Walser and Trevisan.
The Research Project of Practice Proposal PowerPoint
The Proposal defense includes a 20-25 minute PowerPoint presentation. The candidate will provide the Chair with a draft of the PowerPoint presentation at least 14 days prior to the Proposal defense.
The candidate will submit a recorded version of the presentation to the Chair at least 7 days prior to the Proposal defense.
The Proposal PowerPoint should focus on the research design process and should not typically exceed 15 slides total. The Proposal PowerPoint recommended organization follows:
• 1-2 slides introducing the topic
• 2-4 slides summarizing the background/literature (Chapter 2)
• 5-8 slides describing the research questions and research design process (Chapter 3)
• 1 slide with references
Defense and Approval of the Research Project of Practice Proposal
The Proposal defense serves as an opportunity for the candidate to share with the Committee a complete overview of the first three chapters of the proposed study that is a comprehensive and well-defined plan for the Research Project of Practice. The format of the Proposal defense is a 20-25 minute brief and succinct presentation (including the PowerPoint presentation guidelines above) followed by questions from the Committee. The Research Project of Practice Chair will determine when the Proposal is ready for review by the committee. The Chair provides the Committee with the draft manuscript at least 14 days prior to the Proposal defense. The Chair will then contact the candidate and Committee to set a Proposal defense date and time (allotting 60 minutes). Once the date and time have been established, the Chair will notify the Program Office ([email protected]). The Program Office will distribute appointment invites for the defense.
On the day of Proposal defense, the candidate will make a brief and succinct overview of the Proposal, ensuring that the following major points are addressed in a thorough yet clear manner:
• Significance of the proposed research
• A summary of key points extracted from the literature on the topic
• A description of the conceptual framework and how the problem will be measured or assessed
• A proposal for analysis and interpretation of data or evidence
The Proposal defense requires demonstration of two elements:
• The candidate, Chair, and Committee have thought deeply and carefully about the Proposal; the “big picture” is defensible
• The candidate is able to weigh the suggestions of the Committee and accept those that will strengthen the study
Following the candidate’s presentation, each Committee member will be given the opportunity to present questions to the candidate; this is intended to probe the candidate’s understanding of the Proposal and to clarify, to both the candidate and Committee members, information which has been presented. Committee members may also suggest changes in any aspect of the Proposal at this point. It is imperative to remember that opinions may differ; should differences arise, the Chair will provide guidance.
After all Committee members have had opportunities to ask questions and make suggestions or comments, the Committee will deliberate and determine whether or not the Proposal has been successfully defended and can be approved. An approved Research Project of Practice Proposal functions as a document/plan specifying that, assuming the candidate carries out the project as described in the Proposal, the Committee cannot find the Research Project of Practice defense unacceptable based solely upon the research plan. However, it is important to note that approval of a Proposal does not ensure approval of Chapters 1-3 when defending the Research Project of Practice.
- If upon completion of the Proposal defense, the Proposal is not ready for approval, the Chair will notify the Program Office ([email protected]) to hold the Examination Results Form. The candidate will work with the Chair to complete the Proposal based upon the Committee’s feedback and another defense meeting will be convened within a time frame agreed upon by the Research Project of Practice Committee.
- If there are revisions needed for the Proposal, the Chair will notify the Program Office ([email protected]) to hold the Examination Results Form. Once the requested revisions have been made and approved, the Chair will submit a copy of the manuscript to the Program Office and request that the Program Office circulate the Examination Results Form from each Committee member and the Program Director/Advisor.
- If the Proposal is approved (with no revisions), the Chair will submit a copy of the manuscript to the Program Office ([email protected]) and request that the Program Office circulate the Examination Results Form for digital signatures from each Committee member and the Program Director/Advisor.
Once the Proposal has been approved by the committee and Program Director/Advisor, the candidate may move forward with the IRB application process (link: Academic Research Integrity). Data collection may not begin until the Research Project of Practice Proposal has been successfully defended and the study has received IRB approval.
Minimum Degree Credit Hours
The Leadership and Professional/Instructional Practice doctoral degree requires a minimum of 66 total graduate credit hours. Each EdD candidate is required to successfully complete a minimum of 12 Research Project of Practice credit hours and defend the Research Project of Practice. EdD candidates who do not complete the Research Project of Practice hours within the 12-credit hour time frame must take an additional 3 Research Project of Practice credit hours each semester through graduation. The candidate must be enrolled in a minimum of 3 Research Project of Practice credits (LEAD 7899R) during the semester in which the Final Research Project of Practice Defense is held.