Strong Moc Competition
- Online sign ups Start September 17th and end Oct. 1st. May also register on site day of event from 2:00-5:15pm.
- Participants that pre-registered online must check-in using a valid UTC ID. Anyone that wishes to register on-site must do so with a valid UTC ID.
- Participants are required to arrive early so that they can observe the competition’s rules meeting.
- Lifters should feel free to wear the lifting attire of their choice, so long as it conforms to the dress code of the ARC.
- The use of any footwear, provided it conforms to the dress code of the ARC, is permitted
- The use of any equipment which aids a lifter is prohibited; this includes lifting gloves, wrist straps and any other device deemed to be an aid by the staff.
- Equipment used for the purpose of injury prevention is permitted; this includes, a weight belt, and knee and wrist wraps.
- Lifters are encouraged to wear clothing that is well-fitting and is not too bulky. This makes judging form of the lifts easier. It is recommended that lifters wear t-shirts and shorts.
- Judges and Fitness staff have the right to declare any equipment illegal.
Ground Rules
- The order of lifts will be as follows:
- Tuesday, October 2nd: Bench & Deadlift
- Wednesday, October 3rd: Squat
- Lifters will receive two attempts per lift. The highest of the successful attempts will count towards a lifter’s total.
- The order in which lifters make their attempts will be based upon their chosen weights for each attempt.
- The lifter who requested the lightest weight will go first and the heat will proceed in ascending order until all lifters have made their first attempts.
- Following the completion of the first attempts the meet staff will reorder lifters based on the weight selected for a second attempt and the round will proceed the same as the first.
- Lifters will be judged by three judges. In order for a lift to be successful, at least two of the three judges must determine that the lift meets the rules explained in this rules document. After a missed attempt, lifters are allowed to ask the judges why an attempt was nullified.
- Each participant will have to receive a score in each of the three lifts within the heat to be eligible for the individual championship
- Winners will be determined based upon a per-bodyweight formula coefficient called “Wilks.” Scores will be formulated the and winners will receive a T-Shirt.
Lift Requirements:
- First, the lifter shall un-rack the weight and assume an upright position. The bar shall be held horizontally across the shoulders with the hands and fingers gripping the bar and the feet flat on the platform with the knees locked
- After removing the bar from the racks, the lifter shall wait in this position for the Lead Referee's signal. The signal shall be given as soon as the lifter is motionless. The Lead Referee's signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and the audible command "squat.”
- Upon receiving the Lead Referee's signal, the lifter must bend the knees and lower the body until the top surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of the knees
- The lifter must recover at will without double bouncing or any downward movement to an upright position with the knees locked.
- When the lifter is motionless, the Lead Referee will give the signal to replace the bar with a backward motion of the hand and the audible command "rack."
Cause for DQ of Squat
- Failure to observe the Lead Referee’s signals at the commencement or completion of a lift.
- Double bouncing or more than one recovery attempt at the bottom of the lift.
- Failure to assume an upright position with the knees locked at the commencement and completion of the lift.
- Any shifting of the feet laterally, backwards or forwards, during the performance of the lift. Rocking of the feet between the ball and the heel is permitted.
- Failure to bend the knees and lower the body until the top surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of the knees.
Bench Press
- The lifter must lie on his/her back with shoulders and buttocks in contact with the flat bench surface.
- The lifter’s hands may grip the bar with a “thumbs around” grip. Note: The use of the "reverse grip" or a thumb-less grip on the bench is strictly prohibited.
- The lifter’s shoes must be in contact with the floor. This position shall be maintained throughout the attempt.
- The head may rise off the bench or move during the performance of the lift.
- To achieve firm footing, the lifter may use flat surfaced bumper plates to build up the surface of the platform.
- After receiving the bar at arm’s length, the lifter shall lower the bar to his/her chest and await the Lead Referee's signal.
- The signal shall be the command: “PRESS” to press when the bar is motionless on the chest.
- After the signal to commence the lift has been given, the bar is pressed upwards to straight arm’s length and held motionless until the audible command "RACK" is given.
Cause for DQ of Bench
- Failure to observe the Lead Referee's signals at the commencement or completion of the lift.
- Any change in the elected lifting position during the performance of the lift (i.e., any raising of the shoulders, buttocks or movement or the feet from their original points of contact with the bench or the floor, or lateral movement of the hands on the bar).
- Failure to press the bar to full extension of the arms at the completion of the lift.
- Heaving or bouncing the bar off the chest.
- Allowing the bar to sink into the chest after receiving the Lead Referee's signal.
- Any exaggerated uneven extension of the arms during the lift.
- Any downward movement of the bar in the course of being pressed out.
- The lifter shall face the front of the platform.
- The bar must be laid horizontally in front of the lifter's feet, gripped with an optional grip in both hands, and lifted without any downward movement until the lifter is standing erect.
- On completion of the lift, the knees shall be locked in a straight position and the shoulders square or back as seen in the figure below.
- The Chief Referee's signal shall consist of a downward movement of the hand and the audible command "down." The signal will not be given until the bar is held motionless and the lifter is in the apparent finished position.
- Any raising of the bar or any deliberate attempt to do so will count as an attempt.
Cause for DQ of Deadlift
- Any downward movement of the bar before it reaches the final position.
- Failure to stand erect with the shoulders square or back.
- Failure to lock the knees straight at the completion of the lift.
- Supporting the bar on the thighs during the performance of the lift.
- Stepping backward or forward, although lateral movement of the sole or rocking feet between ball and heel is permitted.
- Lowering the bar before receiving the Chief Referee's signal.
- Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands.
- Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the general description of the lift, which precedes this list of disqualifications.