iNest Program

INcubating EngineerS for food innovaTion (iNEST)
Food Innovation Educational Experience for Undergraduate Students
College of Engineering and Computer Science, UTC
The demand for food continues to escalate with the growing population. Increasingly, consumers demand foods that are ethically and sustainably sourced, nutritious, and healthy. There is also a growing emphasis on training and developing the food industry workforce to meet the changing landscape of the food industry. The fourth industry revolution also demands new capabilities to support the food industry. Innovations in smart food design and product development; food manufacturing, processing, and storage technologies; and allied services have become critical in creating sustainable food technologies.
With the goal of providing undergraduate students with experience in food innovation and prepare them for the food industry, the iNEST project, funded by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), will provide students with
- An understanding of the fundamental concepts in food science, nutrition, and technology.
- Technical research and problem-solving skills via hands-on training in food research.
- A solid foundation for professional development in the food industry.
Students will participate in several instructional and workshop activities and cutting-edge food science, nutrition, and technology research projects.
The period of participation for 2021/2022 Academic Year will include Fall 21, Spring 22, and Summer 22.
The project will support undergraduate students for a period of 8 weeks during the summer. Students will receive a stipend of $180 per week.