Campus News

Media Resources
Media Relations Contact: Email Chuck Wasserstrom or call 423-425-4363.
- UTC Campus News—landing page for University News
- News Releases—official University News Releases
- Social Media—official University accounts
- WUTC—National Public Radio affiliate
- Mocs News—student-produced video program
- University Echo—student-produced newspaper and news website
- Experts List
- Call 423-425-4363 or email Chuck Wasserstrom for the UTC expert you need.
Publicity and promotion of UTC events or projects
Add public UTC events to the website calendar
Here’s how to let the community know about public events.
Submit information for This Week’s Events →
Campus-wide email distribution
How to send:
Campus-wide emails can be sent to the following:
- Students only—Scrappy—[email protected]
- Employees only (Faculty and staff) UTCInfo—[email protected]
- Employees and students—UTCNews—[email protected]
The process:
UTCINFO and UTCNEWS are moderated distribution lists. Your message is sent to a moderation queue for approval by a staff member before it is sent to the campus community.
When you prepare a message for approval, write it as you wish it to be read by your intended recipients. Once approved, the email will be distributed just as you wrote it. Proofread your text. Edits can be made only by their original authors.
Graphics or images—Don’t use them:
Graphics, including logos, must not be included. Do not send email with logos, images or photos within the message or included as an attachment. Graphics and images can cause issues with formatting, accessibility and delivery.
Submissions that contain graphics may be returned to their authors.
Use of attachments:
Attachments can not be sent in messages to campus-wide email listservs. This includes images, pdf documents and Word documents.
Submissions that include attachments may be returned to their authors.
External links:
As a matter of best practices in email security, don't use external links in email text. Messages with external links will be rejected and returned to sender for removal of external links.