Physics Scholarships and Awards
At UTC, physics majors have many different scholarships for which they can apply. These can be awarded in addition to, and on top of, university scholarship money.
You must be a current UTC physics major and engaged in astronomy or physics course work. Scholarship recipients and awardees will be announced at the annual Chemistry and Physics Awards Ceremony held in April.
Application Form found on the Chemistry-Physics Majors' Canvas site.
The deadline for the 2024-2025 scholarship application is March 1, 2024.
For more information contact: Department Head, Office: 318 Grote, Phone: 423-425-4278
Below are descriptions of some of the scholarships and awards available.
Scholarships amounts range from $500 - $2,000 annually
- Jane and Lawrence Akers Scholarship: given to an outstanding and deserving student whose major or minor is physics. In honor of Dr. Lawrence K. Akers, professor of physics and radiation safety officer (1986-1994).
- Harry Deuberry Physics Scholarship: given to a rising junior or senior physics student for academic achievement and service to the department. In memory of Harry B. Deuberry, class of 1930.
- James B. Wimberly Endowed Scholarship: given to a rising junior and a rising senior physics student for academic achievement, with preference for STEM Education majors. In memory of James B. Wimberly, UC Physics alum (1954), who taught physics and mathematics in local area high schools.
- Clarence Jones Prize Scholarship: given to a rising senior physics major for excellence in astronomy. In memory of Clarence T. Jones, local amateur astronomer and architect of the Observatory.
- Harold Marlowe Scholarship: given to a successful physics major whose nomination is supported by the department head. In memory of Dr. Robert Marlowe’s father.
Awards (based on merit only) - No application is necessary for the awards.
- Henry Ransom Award for superior achievement in physics laboratory. In memory of longtime physics professor Dr. Henry C. Ransom, Sr.
- Harriet and Karel Hujer Award: given to physics majors interested in astronomy, physics, and mathematics. In honor of professor Karel Hujer (UTC), who was known for his devotion to the sciences and for his Friday night lecture series at the Clarence T. Jones Observatory.
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant
- Jones Observatory Outstanding Assistant
- Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics Honor Society)