Chemistry and Physics Facilities and Equipment
The Department of Chemistry and Physics is housed on the third and fourth floors of Grote Hall. Grote Hall underwent an eight million dollar renovation from 2008 to 2010. This renovation resulted in new classrooms, labs, and research areas. There are two student study rooms: Grote 326 (a quiet room) and Grote 324 (home to the chemistry club and more study tables).
Library resources include thousands of hard copy chemistry and physics books, on-line access to the over 50 journals, access to all electronic books published by the leading agencies, various scientific searching programs, access to the world literature through SciFinder Scholar searching and Interlibrary Loan (ILL). The department also offers a new PC computer lab in Grote 316. This lab operates from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. weekdays. Each computer has Internet access and Microsoft Office, as well as molecular modeling (Scigress) and other specialized chemistry software. The computers are networked to a laser printer that is part of a pay to print GoPrint station.
Located within the department is scientific instrumentation with a value of about one million dollars. This includes a superconducting 400 MHz Fourier Transform Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR), a Single Chrystal X-ray Diffractometer, a Liquid-Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (LCMS), a Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer, (GCMS) as well as other modern equipment appropriate for an outstanding undergraduate program in Chemistry. A list of some instruments is below.
Instrument | Year acquired | Location | |
Nanasys 60MHz NMR | 2021 | 409 | |
Ocean Optics UV-Vis spectrophotometer | 2021 | 227 | |
Cytiva FPLC | 2021 | 309 | |
Agilent GPC | 2021 | 414 | |
Waters UPLC MS | 2021 | 404 | |
Thermo Integrion IC | 2020 | 414 | |
Nanosurf Naio STM | 2020 | 104 | |
Nanosurf Core AGM | 2020 | 104 | |
Epsilon Eclipse with C3 Cell Stand | 2020 | 406 | |
Opentrons OT-2 Pepetting Robot | 2020 | 406 | |
Shimadzu TMSPS-8 TM Analysis System | 2020 | 406 | |
Teledyne CombiFlash RF Flash Chromatography System | 2020 | 406 | |
Thermo Trace 1300 GC with TCD | 2019 | 405 | |
Shimadzu UV-VIS i1900 | 2018 | 309 | |
Buchi Lyovapor L-200 | 2018 | 414 | |
Thermo Sorvall ST16R High Speed Refridgerated Centrifuge | 2017 | 309 | |
e/m Apparatus (Narika EM-4N) | 2016 | 226 | |
Pasco 2m Air Track | 2015 | 213 | |
Celestron CPC Series Telescope (2) | 2015 | 226 | |
Thermo Trace 1320 GC/ITQ 1100 Mas Spec | 2014 | 414 | |
Magnetic Susceptibility Balance | 2014 | 409 | |
Pine Research Electrochemical Potentiostat | 2014 | 414 | |
Agilent 1220 HPLC | 2014 | 414 | |
Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis | 2014 | 414 | |
Gravitational Torsion Balance (Pasco AP-8215A) | 2013 | 103 | |
Mbraun MB200 2-port Glove Box | 2012 | 406 | |
Shimadzu UV-VIS i1800 | 2012 | 308 | |
Muon Detector (TeachSpin) | 2012 | 226 | |
Single Photon Interferometer (TeachSpin) | 2012 | 226 | |
Photoelectric Effect Apparatus (Daedalon EP-05) | 2012 | 226 | |
Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorimeter | 2011 | 414 | |
Magnetic Torsional Oscillator (TeachSpin) | 2011 | 226 | |
Bruker FTIR (2) | 2010 | 409 | |
Bruker 420 GC (2) | 2010 | 409 | |
Bruker Single Crystal X0ray Diffractometer | 2010 | 404 | |
Franck-Hertz Experiment Apparatus (Elwe 84 82 152) | 2010 | 226 | |
Universal Computer Spectrometer (SpecTech UCS 30 | 2010 | 226 | |
Horiba JY Ultima ICP (upgrade) | 2004/2010 | 404 | |
Horiba JY Fluorimeter | 2009 | 308 | |
Parr Model 6772 Adiabatic Calorimeter | 2008 | 315 | |
Nicolet 380 IR | 2005 | 414 | |
JEOL 400 MHz NMR | 2005 | 412 | |
Jasco P-1010 Digital Polarimeter | 2003 | 315 | |
Varian 220 FS AAS | 2003 | 414 | |