Star Parties
What to Expect at a Star Party
Start Parties at the Clarence T. Jones Observatory are educational events which are free and open to the public. The schedule for each semester is posted on the website, with updates posted to Facebook. Check the schedule for each semester to see what the topics are for that night's event. Activities during a Star Party include a lecture on an astronomy topic, a show in the planetarium, an opportunity to view a live astronomical object through the historic 20.5" telescope. Additional activities may include telescopes in the parking lot with members of the Barnard Astronomical Society and an educational activity for children in the Observatory's library room.
Wear outdoor attire appropriate for the weather forecast in order to enjoy the telescopes in the parking lot.
If there is a large crowd, we will repear the activities so that visitors can rotate through the various educational activities of the evening.
If you enjoy your evening, please consider making a donation so that others can benefit from the Observatory in the future.