ChemDraw Site Subscription
UTC has contracted with PerkinElmer to provide a site license for ChemDraw Prime. This software is provided to all students, faculty, and staff at UTC, free of charge. It may be installed on University-owned computers as well as personally-owned computers running either Windows or MacOS. Students, faculty, and staff may use ChemDraw exclusively for university-related academic purposes. Use of this software for university-related administrative tasks or for applications benefitting outside organizations will require the purchase of a commercial use license.
Please visit the link below to download the most recent version of ChemDraw Prime from the PerkinElmer Download Center. Persons already having an account on the download center should click on the “Existing User? Log In” tab. Persons needing to register for a new account may do so on the “New User Registration” tab. Please note that you must register using your UTC-provided email address (ending in either “” or “”) or your registration will be denied by the system.