Additional Resources
UTC Resources
Visit these resources curated by the Walker Center for Teaching and Learning (WCTL) and the Center for Academic Support and Advisement.
WCTL – Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learn about the importance of teaching critical thinking, its characteristics, and teaching strategies to promote it.
ThinkAchieve (WCTL) – Critical Thinking Resources: View various types of additional resources on critical thinking.
Center for Academic Support and Advisement – What is Critical Thinking?: Learn about different ways to brainstorm ideas.
The Foundation for Critical Thinking
Peruse through a research library and sample critical thinking assessments.
Please note that although it is free to view the Foundation for Critical Thinking, access to many of its articles require paid membership for The Center for Critical Thinking Community.
The K. Patricia Cross Academy
Watch demonstration videos for various techniques/class activities to build critical thinking skills. Most videos also include suggestions on how to adapt the activity for online learning.
Project Look Sharp: Ithaca College
After registering for a free account, download materials on stand-alone lessons, subject area kits, and featured topic activities on topics such as social science, science, psychology, film/fine arts, consumer education, and more.
TeachThought 50+ Critical Strategies for Learning
Access brief prompts that can be used with course topics/material to create writing/assignment/project ideas.