WCTL Pedagogy Presentation Travel Grants
To encourage the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), the Walker Center for Teaching and Learning offers travel grants to support conference presentations on pedagogy based on a faculty member’s learning innovations at UTC.
Preference will be given to presentations that emerge from learning activities supported by WCTL teaching innovation grants, participation in a WCTL Faculty Fellow working group, or courses that have achieved the Experiential Learning Designation at UTC.
These funds can be applied to UTC faculty conference pedagogy presentation travel expenses, including airfare, mileage, per diem, ground transportation, lodging, and conference registration fees within the continental United States. The faculty-traveler must adhere to UT Travel F10705 procedures. The funding limit is $2,000.00 per applicant.
In the case of multiple presenters for a conference presentation, each participant must fill out this form separately.
Application Process
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with responses within 30 days of submission. If there are multiple faculty members collaborating on the presentation, each member of the group must fill out a separate application form.
For the application link, see the end of these guidelines.
Nature of the Conference Presentation
Normally, these funds will be used to send one faculty member to a conference to deliver a presentation that discusses significant pedagogical innovation from their classes.
Occasionally, funds can be used to send two or more collaborators to a conference for this purpose, provided each is contributing meaningfully to the delivery of the presentation.
Applicants will be asked to describe the presentation and submit relevant PowerPoints (or other presentation documentation) as part of the submission process.
Only presentations that have been accepted and confirmed for presentation will be funded.
While the course highlighted in the presentation does not need to be a fully online course, the committee prefers to support presentations that make mention of enhancements to a course’s “online presence,” such as new uses of Canvas, relevant online activities, redesigned course modules posted online, etc.
Applicants will submit statements of support from their Department Heads for this travel and presentation.
Types of Conferences
Preference will be given to those presenting at major regional and national Teaching and Learning Conferences. Presentations at conferences in one’s own discipline will be considered only if a significant segment of the conference is devoted to pedagogy.
Grant funds can only be used to support conference presentation and travel in the continental United States.
In the application form, the applicant will submit estimated travel expenses. The review committee looks for budgets with exact amounts and does not award blanket funds.
For expenses that cross fiscal years (i.e., before and after July 1), applicants must coordinate with the WCTL Administrative Specialist and their own Department Administrative Specialist to allow WCTL to determine the optimal allocation of its grant funding stream for reimbursement.
Funding Limit
The funding limit is $2,000.00.
WCTL Debrief
After the conference, applicants will debrief with staff members of the Walker Center for Teaching and Learning.
Only UTC instructors (including full-time faculty, lecturers, and teaching staff) may apply for these funds. The recipient must be employed by UTC at the time of the submission of the application and during the time period of the conference to have expenses covered by this grant.
Applicants may only receive one award per academic year.
This fund cannot be used for repeated presentation of the same material at different conferences.
Application Form, Deadlines, and Further Information
Application Link: WCTL Pedagogy Presentation Travel Grant
Deadlines: Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Applicants will be informed of a decision within 30 days of the submission of their application.
Further information: [email protected]