Annual Space Survey
Survey launches April 2023
The Physical Facilities Inventory Space Survey for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is conducted annually. The online facilities survey focuses primarily on verifying/updating information about the rooms in UTC facilities and is conducted through IRIS.
UTC is required by state and federal law to maintain and report this information as it supports development of the UT System capital improvement program, F&A rate proposal, and is used in determining state funding. Also, the Tennessee Higher Education Commission requires UTC to report facilities data each year for THEC’s space justification and utilization analysis as a prerequisite for the annual appropriations request. Therefore, completing this survey is a mandatory exercise for UTC as well as all UT System campuses.
Each department’s help is essential to ensure the university has an accurate record of space and how it is used. Your careful and accurate work on this project is vital and appreciated. Meeting the deadline is especially important since there are several processes that must take place after the departmental data entry.
The UT System Office of Real Property and Space Administration is responsible for system-wide oversight of the survey. UT System Office space inventory information can be found at
Space Survey Instructions:
- Physical Facilities Inventory Space Survey Instructions
- Condensed Survey Instructions
- Survey training module online class through k@te titled Facilities Inventory Training
- UTC Survey Verification Form