Design Services
Welcome to the Design Services homepage. We provide design services for the UTC campus on major renovation and new construction projects. If you have questions regarding a project that is not listed, please contact us and we will be glad to help in any way we can.
Programming Phase, What is it?
The purpose of programming, also known as pre-design is to:
- Finalize the project objectives.
- Determine the building and user requirements.
- Establish a total building area.
- Set the scope of work.
At this point it is possible to estimate a preliminary project cost, to which yearly escalation factors may be added to account for construction or occupancy delays.
Programming involves gathering information from the intended building occupants and user groups through group and individual interviews. The programmer researches current and projected needs in such areas as information and instructional technology, academic teaching methods, privacy, and security. This results in a comprehensive description of the necessary components of the construction project.
All the issues explored in the study phase are re-examined in detail during programming. This is the time to determine the effect on existing facilities or projects-in-planning and the need for corollary projects, such as parking lots or new utilities services. State of Tennessee building requirements or restrictions and all life safety, fire, environmental and barrier-free code issues are identified.
The project program, the end result of programming, describes how the finished project will "work": how it will function for the building occupants and how it will meet all the project requirements.
Current Design Projects via Explore UTC Map→
- ADA Improvements
- Campus Master Plan
- East Campus Utility Expansion
- Guerry Crossroads Roof Replacement
- Lighting Improvements
- Parking Lot Improvements and Frist Hall Demolition
- Utility Distribution Expansion
- West Campus Utility Connection
- Wolford Athletic Facility (McKenzie Arena Expansion)
Updated as of Spring 2021
Chelsie Ewing
Director of Engineering and Planning Services
228G Administrative Services Building