Study Abroad Pre-Departure Checklist

Register for EXCH course with UTC
Every student needs to do this.
There are two placeholder courses that indicate to the rest of campus that you are still a full-time UTC student while youâre away with your program. The two exchange placeholder courses you must register for are EXCH 0990r and EXCH 0991r.
The CRNs change for these courses each semester, so this will be sent out to you by the Office of Study Abroad prior to your departure.
Failure to enroll in these two placeholders, as directed by the Office of Study Abroad, could delay in the processing of the financial aid for your study abroad.
Upload Course Pre-Approval Form (the blue sheet)
You can locate this form on your UTC study abroad portal (Terra Dotta) page; the form can also be found on our Documents and Forms page.
Students are required to upload course pre-approval forms by scanning and uploading their file onto the secure Terra Dotta website through this link.
Reminder for students using Federal Financial Aid:
If you will be using ANY Federal Financial Aid during your time abroad, you must have your academic advisor(s) complete the Academic Advisor Approval Form.
Secure financial aid clearance
To confirm that all your UTC financial aid is in order, you need to meet with UTC Financial Aid office.
Remember, the financial aid office canât give you much information unless your most recent financial aid/FAFSA paperwork and study abroad budget worksheet are complete.
Complete International SOS requirements
You will be provided with details on the International SOS registration steps at the Study Abroad 103: Pre-Departure Orientation session.
Please thoroughly review the International SOS/UT System website. Note: you may be prompted to log-in ("Subscriber Login") - if prompted, log-in with the International SOS membership number that was provided to you on communication from the Office of Study Abroad.
On this site you should complete the following:
- Complete Digital Learning Courses
Courses can be found through the Digital Learning section, located under the Travel Tools of the International SOS/UT System website (all students need to complete: Introduction to Membership, Student Travel - Your Security, Student Travel - Your Health & Well-being. Female identifying students need to also complete: Student Travel - Your Security as a Female).
- Register Flight Details
You are required to register your international travel in our travel registry system as soon as possible after booking. You can do so by clicking "My Trips" under the Travel Tools section on the following website: The University of Tennessee System Member Site.
If registering through My Trips, you will need to register through the "New User?" Register here" option.
You also have the option to email your itinerary to International SOS and they will complete your trip registration. If you elect this option, please email your itinerary (flight information) to the following email address: [email protected]
Things to Note:
- Only flight, hotel and car rental bookings can be forwarded to the mailbox. Train bookings are not supported at this time.
- You should forward the original confirmation email without making any changes to the email. If you change the original email content or format, the trip details will not get processed. For example, if you receive two separate confirmation emails for two different trips, you should forward each original confirmation email to the mailbox separately.
- If the confirmation email includes a PDF document, please include the PDF document when forwarding the confirmation email.
- If you make a change to the itinerary, please forward the latest version of the itinerary confirmation email to the mailbox.
- If you cancel the trip through a vendor, you will need to create a MyTrips account ( in order to log in and remove the trip from the trip list (note, this would only be needed if you booked a trip through the UT system booking agency, World Travel).
If you require any assistance with the itinerary forwarding service, please contact International SOS Online Help team at [email protected] and they will be happy to assist.
- Review Alerts & Advice
Review active alerts, travel advice, security advice, disease & prevention, etc for your given study abroad country.
This information can be accessed through The University of Tennessee System Member Site.
- Membership Overview eGuide
Review the Membership Overview eGuide found on The University of Tennessee System Member Site.
- Assistance App
Download the Assistance App to your phone. Information on the app can be found on The University of Tennessee System Member Site, under the "Travel with Confidence Get the App" section.
Download the Assistance App from the Apple or Google Play stores now.
- Health Insurance
Head over to the Health and Safety page and review the "Health insurance while abroad" section.
Drop any UTC classes during your study abroad/exchange term (except the EXCH courses)
Some students register for UTC classes as a "back up" to study abroad or exchange plans.
Students will be charged for these credits separately, and in addition to, the study abroad/exchange program, if still registered for them when the UTC billing cycle begins.
Cancel UTC housing and meal plan
Similar to UTC class registration, students who are signed up for on-campus housing or a meal plan during the study abroad/exchange program term will be charged separately, and in addition to, the study abroad/exchange program.
Upload a copy of your passport
The Office of Study Abroad needs a copy of every study abroad studentâs passport prior to departure.
Students can now upload these files onto his or her profile page on our secure website here.
Notify the U.S. State Department of you travel plans
This checklist item is for your safety.
Our office requires students to do this prior to departure.