Documents and Forms
Before You Study Abroad
You should complete ALL documents through your UTC study abroad portal.
The following documents can be found through your study abroad portal, but are also listed here for reference:
- Course Pre-Approval Form (blue form)
- Budget Worksheet for Study Abroad
- International Travel Health Form (this is a University Health Services form that you need to complete and upload to both your UTC study abroad portal and your UTC SHS patient portal).
- If using Federal Financial Aid (during your study abroad): your academic advisor(s) will need to complete the Academic Advisor Approval Form for ALL classes taken while abroad.
While Abroad
The Center for Global Education will send you a check-in email 1-2 weeks after your arrival in your study abroad country. Please make sure you are checking your UTC EMAIL during your time abroad; all communication from the CGE/Office of Study Abroad will go through your UTC email.
Please make sure you have downloaded the International SOS app and make sure to check-in through the app during the time that you are abroad.
Note on Class Changes While Abroad:
If you change your courses, while abroad, and they have not been pre-approved by the appropriate department head you will need to reach out to the department head to have the Course Pre-Approval Form completed for the new class. You can also get confirmation of the equivalent UTC class via email (make sure to send the email confirmation to your study abroad advisor).
If you are using Federal Financial Aid, you will also need to have your academic advisor review and approve the course. The academic advisor will need to complete the Academic Advisor Approval Form; this form will need to be submitted to your study abroad advisor.
After You Study Abroad
- Submit an official transcript in a sealed envelope or have it delivered to UTC Study Abroad Office by mail. If you are going through a UTC affiliated study abroad program (provider, exchange, faculty-led) your transcript should be mailed directly to the Office of Study Abroad. If you are going through a non-UTC affiliated program (provider, direct enroll, etc) then you must ensure that you arrange for your transcript to be sent directly to the Office of Study Abroad, please DO NOT have your transcript sent to the Admissions Office; this will delay the processing of your courses/grades and could cause your financial aid to be withheld.
- Please retain all course syllabi for all classes you took while studying abroad.
It will take two - three months to complete the credit transfer process after students submit all of the documents above.