- Kaplanoglu, E.; Akgun, G. Data-Driven Predictive Control of Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation with Subspace Identification. Sensors 2022, 22, 7645.
- Ghaffar Nia, N., Kaplanoglu, E. & Nasab, A. Evaluation of artificial intelligence techniques in disease diagnosis and prediction. Discov Artif Intell 3, 5 (2023).
- U. Demir et al., "Comparative Design Improvement of the Growing Rod for the Scoliosis Treatment Considering the Mechanical Complications," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 40107-40120, 2023,
- Uludag, M., Ulkir, O., Ertugrul, I. and Kaplanoglu, E., 2023. Design, Fabrication, and Experiments of a Soft Pneumatic Gripper with Closed-Loop Position Control. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 51(5).
- O. Ulkir, G. Akgun, A. Nasab, Kaplanoglu E., (2021). 'Data-Driven Predictive Control of a Pneumatic Ankle Foot Orthosis'. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 21(1):65-74.
- Akgün G., Çetin E., Kaplanoglu E., (2020). “Exoskeleton design and adaptive compliance control for hand rehabilitation” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. ISSN: 01423312
- Ulkir, O., Akgun, G., Toptas, E. and Kaplanoglu, E., (2020). “Design and Myoelectric Control of An Active Orthosis Device Using Finite State Machine Algorithm.” Technium: Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology, 2(7), pp.286-296.
- Ulkir O,Akgün G, Kaplanoglu E.(2019). Real-Time Implementation of Data-Driven Predictive Controller for an Artificial Muscle. Studies in Informatics and Control, 28(2),
- Uyanik, C., Erdemir, E., Kaplanoglu, E., & Sekmen, A. (2019). A deep learning approach for motion segment estimation for pipe leak detection robot. Procedia Computer Science, 158, 37-44.
- Uyanik, C., Hussaini, S. F., Erdemir, E., Kaplanoglu, E., & Sekmen, A. (2019). A deep learning approach for final grasping state determination from motion trajectory of a prosthetic hand. Procedia Computer Science, 158, 19-26.
- Akgün G., Kaplanoglu E., Çetin E.,Ülkir O., (2018) “Mechanical Design of Exoskeleton for Hand Therapeutic Rehabilitation”. Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering. vol 4. pp 9-17, (ISSN: 2321-8185)
- Kaplanoglu E (2018) Bio-signal Controlled Upper Limb Prosthesis: From Design to Production. an international journal of experimental and clinical anatomy. Vol 12.pp
- Gücüyener, A., and Kaplanoglu, E. (2017) “Wireless Hand Rehabilitation System (WHRS).” Balkan Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Vol:5 No:1 pp. 9-13 (ISSN :2147-284X)
- Ülkir, O., Gökmen G. and Kaplanoglu, E.,. (2017) “EMG Signal Classification Using Fuzzy Logic.” Balkan Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Vol:5 No:2 pp. 97-101 (ISSN :147-284X)
- Kaplanoglu, E., Arsan, T., and Varol, H.S. (2015) “Predictive Control of Constrained Pressure and Level Systems.” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences. Vol.23, pp. 641-653. (doi:10.3906/elk-1302-207).
- VIGOR: A Versatile, Individualized and Generative ORchestrator to Motivate the Movement of the People with Limited Mobility. Liang, Y., Wu, D., Ledesma, D., Guo, Z., Kaplanoglu, E., & Skjellum, A. (2021).
In Smart and Pervasive Healthcare. IntechOpen. (Book Chapter) - “Biomechatronics System Design” (Turkish) Kaplanoglu, E.,Ülkir E., Akgün G., ISBN: 978-605-9594-24-0 - August 2017 (Book)
- “Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology” in Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering (Turkish), eds.: Musa Hakan Asyalı, Sadık Kara, and Bülent Yılmaz.(2014): 55-67 ISBN: 978-605-133-943-6 (Book Chapter)
- Poster, Platt, Thomas; Kaplanoglu, Erkan; Pukl, Mario; and Groom, Katelin, "Continuum robot for finger rehabilitation". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings.
- Poster, Ghaffar Nia, Nafiseh and Kaplanoglu, Erkan, "Towards Prediction of Prosthetics Hand Orientation for Different Grasps Using Machine Learning Algorithm". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings.
- Paper, N. G. Nia, A. Nasab and E. Kaplanoglu, "Reinforcement Learning-Based Grasp Pattern Control of Upper Limb Prosthetics in an AI Platform," 2022 3rd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC), Ankara, Turkey, 2022, pp. 1-4,
- Paper, Kaplanoglu, Erkan; Nasab, Ahad; Jordon, Max; Bruce, Jeremy; Young, Mickael; and McDowell, Jason, "The Real-Time Control of An Active Balance Board with An EMG Monitoring System For Rehabilitation". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings.
- Paper, Kaplanoglu, Erkan; Akgun, Gazi; Erdemir, Erdem; Mohammed, Enass; and Anderson, Mallory, "EMG Based Trajectory Control of Hand Exoskeleton". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings.
- Keynote Speaker, E. Kaplanoglu, "Technology based approaches to cerebral palsy: Biomechatronic designs", The 8th Prof. Dr. Hıfzı Özcan Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Disorders Congress, Feb 2020.
- Paper, M. M. Alseed, E. Kaplanoglu, M. Ozkan "Modelling the Dynamics of an Anthropomorphic Index Digit During Flexion and Extension of PIP and DIP Joints" Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (ASYU2020), 14 October, 2020 Istanbul, Turkey, Best Paper Award
- Paper, Khalid H. Tantawi, E. Mohamed, E. Kaplanoglu, A. Pemberton, N. Pickard, M. Dyer, E. Hickman, and K. Thompson "Real Time Gesture-Controlled Mobile Robot using a Myo Armband" 2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Harare, Zimbabwe, December 7-10, 2020
- Keynote Speaker, Kaplanoglu, Erkan, "The future of biomechatronics at UTC". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings. April 2020.
- Poster, Tuna, Sertac; Drumm, Jefferson; and Kaplanoglu, Dr. Erkan, "EMG Controlled Biped Robot". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings. April 2020.
- Paper, M.,Alan, E. Kaplanoglu, B.Kalen, "Correlation of ECG and Heart Sound", March 12-15, 2020. IEEE SoutheastCon 2020 Raleigh, NC.
- Paper, M. M. Alseed, N. Karabacak, Z. Sari and E. Kaplanoglu, "Portable EMG Monitoring System for Hippotherapy," 2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), Ankara, Turkey, 2019, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/ISMSIT.2019.8932723
- Paper, N.Tekin, E. Kaplanoglu, E. Erdemir ,S.K Hargrove, K. Kawamura "Modeling And Testing Of Magnetic Speed Controlled Submersible Robot For Hydroponic Production", 11-13 April 2019. IEEE SoutheastCon 2019 Huntsville, Alabama.
- Paper, Christian, M., Uyanik, C., Erdemir, E., Kaplanoglu, E., Bhattacharya, S., Bailey, R., Hargrove, S. K. (2019, April). Application of deep learning to imu sensor motion. In 2019 SoutheastCon (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Paper A. Atasoy E. Kaplanoglu., "Biomechanical Design of an Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand," 2018 7th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (Biorob), Enschede, 2018, pp. 732-736. doi:10.1109/BIOROB.2018.8487680
- Paper Karakuş İ., Şahin H., Atasoy A., Kaplanoğlu E., Özkan M., Güçlü B. (2018) Evaluation of Sensory Feedback from a Robotic Hand: A Preliminary Study. In: Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications. EuroHaptics 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10894. Springer, Cham
- Paper, A. Atasoy, S. Kuchimov, B. Güçlü, M. Ozkan, E. Toptas and E. Kaplanoğlu, "SMA actuator design considerations," 2018 Electric Electronics, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineerings' Meeting (EBBT), Istanbul, 2018, pp. 1-4.
doi: 10.1109/EBBT.2018.8391428 - Keynote Speaker, E. Kaplanoglu, "Mechatronic Designs and Sensor Systems In Wearable Technologies For Rehabilitation", 1st International Congress on Physiotechnotherapy (ICPTT), May 2018.
For more : Erkan Kaplanoglu - Google Scholar