Data Science, B.S.
Potential Careers
Graduation & Degree Requirements
Graduation Requirements | Degree Requirements |
122 Total Hours | 24-25 General Education Hours |
39 Upper Division (3000-4000) Hours | 98 Program (Major) Hours |
30 Hours at UTC | Minor (Not Required) |
60 Hours at 4-year Institution | Elective Hours (Not Required) |
Foreign Language (Not Required) |
Clear Path for Advising – Computer Science: Data Science, B.S. 2017-18
- First Year - 31-32 Credit Hours
Meet with Academic Advisor two times each semester.
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
CPSC 1000: Intro. to Computing / 3 Credit HoursCPSC 1110: Data Structures / 4 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 1100CPSC 1100: Fundamentals of Computer Science / 4 Credit HoursPre/Co: MATH ACT 26+MATH 1960: Calculus II / 4 Credit HoursPre/Co: MATH 1950MATH 1950: Calculus I / 4 Credit HoursPre/Co: MATH 1950ENGL 1020: English Comp. II / 3 Credit HoursENGL 1010 or 1011: English Comp. I / 3-4 Credit HoursBehavioral & Social Sciences (ECON 1020) / 3 Credit HoursBehavioral & Social Sciences / 3 Credit HoursTotal Credit Hours: 17-18 Total Credit Hours: 14 - Second Year - 32 Credit Hours
Using MyMocsDegree, create course plan for your remaining degree requirements.
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
CPSC 2800: Intro to Operating Systems / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 1110CPSC 2100: Software Design & Development / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 1110MATH 2030: Discrete Math (or MATH 3030) / 3 Credit HoursPre: MATH 1830 or 1950 & CPSC 1100MATH 3100: Applied Statistics / 3 Credit HoursPre: MATH 1960Natural Science + Lab (Sequence) / 4 Credit HoursMATH 2200: Linear Algebra / 3 Credit HoursPre/Co: MATH 1950 or MATH 2030FAH: Historical Understanding / 3 Credit HoursFAH: Visual & Performing Arts / 3 Credit HoursFAH: Literature / 3 Credit HoursNatural Science + Lab (Sequence) / 4 Credit HoursTotal Credit Hours: 16 Total Credit Hours: 16 - Third Year - 32 Credit Hours
Participate in study abroad, leadership opportunities, service learning, civic engagement, internships, research projects, and other learning opportunities.
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
CPEN 3700: Digital Logic / 4 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 1100CPSC 3200: Algorithm Analysis / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 2100 & MATH 2030 or 3030MGT 3110: Operations Management orPre: CPSC 1000, MGT 2120, MATH 1830 or 1950 & ECON 1020MGT 3560: Management Science orPre: CPSC 1000, MGT 2120 & MATH 1830 or 1950MGT 3560: Management Science / 3 Credit HoursPre: MGT 3110MGT 3110: Operations Management orPre: CPSC 1000, MGT 2120, MATH 1830 or 1950 & ECON 1020MGT 3560: Management Science orPre: CPSC 1000, MGT 2120 & MATH 1830 or 1950MGT 3560: Management Science / 3 Credit HoursPre: MGT 3110CPSC 3220: File & Database Processing / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 2100CPSC 4240: Principles of Data Analytics / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 3220CPSC 3610: Ethical Issues in Computing / 3 Credit HoursPre: ENGL 1020 & CPSC 1000 or CPSC 1100Natural Science + Lab / 4 Credit HoursApproved CPSC or Tech Elective (3000-4000) / 3 Credit HoursApproved CPSC or Tech Elective (3000-4000) / 3 Credit HoursTotal Credit Hours: 16 Total Credit Hours: 16 - Fourth Year - 27 Credit Hours
Complete your Graduation application with the Registrar.
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
CPSC 4900: Software Engineering / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 3200CPSC 4910r or 1995r: Senior Capstone or Departmental Thesis / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 4900CPEN 4700: Computer Architecture / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 2800 & CPEN 3700CPSC 4430: Intro. to Machine Learning / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 3200, MATH 2200 & StatisticsCPSC 4100: Survey of Programming Langs. / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 2800 & CPSC 3200CPSC 4530: Data Visualization & Exploration / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 3220 & CPSC 4240CPSC 4180: Programming for Advanced Data / 3 Credit HoursPre: CPSC 3220 & CPSC 4240Non-Western Culture / 3 Credit HoursNatural Science without Lab / 3 Credit HoursTotal Credit Hours: 12 Total Credit Hours: 15
Core CPSC Courses
The following table represents a list of courses all CPSC majors must take. The table also illustrates which courses are generally offered which semesters. In regards to the CPSC 4910 and CPSC 4995, one course must be chosen.
Data Science Courses
The following table represents a list of courses all Data Science majors must take. The table also illustrates which courses are generally offered which semesters where applicable. In regards to MGT 3110, MGT 3560, and MGT 4280, two of the three courses must be chosen.