Acceptable Use Policy for General Purpose Computer Labs
Acceptable Use Policy for General Purpose Computer Labs
- The lab is only for the use of students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or who are currently taking one or more CPSC/CPEN classes.
- The lab is for academic use only.
- Doors may not be propped open at any time. Use your Mocs Card for access.
- Students must clean up after themselves.
- No food, drinks, or tobacco products are allowed in the lab.
- Password sharing and logging in for others is prohibited.
- Music should not be audible to others. If you wish to listen to music, please use headphones or earbuds and keep the volume down.
- No pornography, sexually explicit, or potentially offensive material may be viewed or downloaded.
- Files should be stored on personal media and not on the hard drives of the lab computers. Information on the hard drives is subject to being erased at any time, and in the meantime may be viewed by other students who could possibly plagiarize your work.
- Students will not conduct any illegal activities in the lab (including, but not limited to, illegal sharing of copyrighted materials).
- Students may not install or use peer-to-peer applications in the lab.
- Labs may not be used for hacking activities or any type of unauthorized access.
- Lab equipment and/or cables may not be moved, modified, or relocated. This includes chairs.
- Network ports in the computer labs are for lab equipment only.
- Sending/posting harassing or unwanted messages to others is prohibited.
- Be sure to log out from any e-mail accounts, UTC Learn, MyMocsNet, or similar systems when you are finished using them.
- The CSE Department is not responsible for items left in the labs.
- If lost items are found, please give them to the CSE Department Administrative Assistant in EMCS 313.
- Scheduled use of the lab has priority over all other uses. If you need to schedule the use of a lab for an activity other than a class, please see the CSE Department Administrative Assistant. Requests for use of the labs must be approved by the Department Head.
- Be courteous and respectful of others.
Technical support issues should be e-mailed to [email protected]