RCIO 2014: Perspectives on Personality
The 2014 RCIO conference was focused on current and projected future trends in the research and application around personality in employees. Participants from 10 universities and 3 non-academic organizations came together in Chattanooga for this excellent event. Conference presentations (there were 8 to choose from) covered a wide range of topics related to the theme and to the practice of Industrial and Organizational psychology more generally. Another highlight was the strong set of 31 posters presented by student researchers and their collaborators/advisors. The keynote presentation was delivered by Dr. L. A. Witt, who shared compelling insights regarding the complex role of conscientiousness when considered in conjunction with other Five Factor Model traits. Wise insights were also shared with our students and young professionals the full panel of presenters.
The winners of our 3rd annual poster competition were as follows:
1st place:
- Pearn, M., & Frame, M. C. Unemployment stigma and the selection process.
- Farrar, H., & Van Hein, J. Career indecision: A possible explanation for low retention rates.
- Lanzo, L., & Aziz, S. Workaholism and workplace incivility: The role of stress and psychological capital.
- Silio, O., Webb, R. M., Kaszycki, A., & Bergman, S. What does your smartphone reveal about your personality?
Below, and when possible, we have archived copies of the slides shared by our presenters:
- Dr. L. A. Witt: Personality at work: It is more than conscientiousness.
- S. Guilfoyle & Dr. S. Bergman: Mo' data, mo' problems? The potential of big data and analytics in employment decisions.
- Dr. C. A. Gorman: The Ambivert advantage: Curvilinear effects of extraversion on job performance and organizational citizenship behavior.
- Dr. M. Biderman: Maximizing the validity of personality questionnaires.
- Dr. J. Bergman: Narcissism: Is there a bright side to this dark trait?
- Dr. D. L. LeBreton: Making the case for the leader to the leader.
- Dr. M. N. Bing & Dr. H. K. Davison: The development, investigation, and extension of the Integrative Typology of Aggression: Implications for predicting CWBs.
- B. Minor: Business acumen for HR & I-O professionals: A path to partnership.