20th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference
RCIO: Putting Science to Work
A conference series designed to engage and empower current and future HR and talent-related professionals by bridging current science and best practices for talent and organization management.
November 8 and 9, 2024
Employee Value Propositions (EVPs), Becoming an Employer of Choice, and Managing Employee Expectations
The Master's of Science program in Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) invites you to participate in the 20th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference. We look forward to welcoming you to this next installment of our long-running conference series that promises to be engaging, relevant, and memorable. This year we will be exploring the topic of Employee Value Propositions (EVPs), becoming an Employer of Choice, and generally managing employee expectations. As always, we will be exploring many aspects of this thematic domain.
The annual RCIO conference is a highly professional, yet student- and practitioner-friendly event that provides a positive, encouraging, and up-to-date educational experience. Our objective is to make the RCIO Conference Series the most rewarding mini-conference experience you can have each year. This is accomplished with a combination of top-notch presentations by leading experts in the I-O psychology and talent management fields, tailored for relevance and utility to students and practitioners in these domains. Learn more about this conference series by exploring this conference website and our conference archives and proceedings (use the links in the navigation bar to the left). You can also get a sense for the feel and experience of RCIO by reading a letter of support written by the late and truly great Dr. Paul Muchinsky (click here).
SHRM PDC credits for RCIO 2024 will be available through Peak Performance consulting (SHRM credit applied for; details will be provided at the conference to SHRM members who register to attend)
Special thanks to the UTC College of Arts & Sciences and Peak Performance consulting for their partnership in running this year's RCIO conference.
Additional thanks to the Meredith College I-O Psychology MA degree program, MTSU's COHRE consulting team, and Hogan Assessments for their sponsorship of this year's event.
The River Cities I-O Psychology (RCIO) Conference Series is an annual outreach and education initiative managed by UTC's M.S. degree program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Click the "RCIO" button on the left navigation bar and follow the links for direct access to essential information. If you are interested in learning more about past RCIO events, please check out our RCIO Conference Proceedings.
If you are interested in supporting this conference series as a sponsor, please refer to the details in the left-side navigation bar or contact the conference chair, Dr. Chris Cunningham ([email protected])