RCIO 2010: Healthy Work, Healthy Lives: Balancing Work, Family, and Self
This year's conference emphasized the balancing of work and nonwork life with a particular focus on occupational health and well-being within organizations. Topics of interest include traditional areas of Industrial-Organizational Psychology such as employee selection, job analysis, training, organizational behavior, compensation, and motivation, as well as areas that have been under-represented in I-O, such as occupational health psychology, translational research, sport psychology, and psychology and the law.
Our keynote speaker was Dr. Robert Sinclair, who presented a talk entitled The economic context of occupational health psychology.
Other presenters included:
- Ms. Sarah Petschonek & Ms. Adriane Sanders, Psychologists in Unlikely Places: Healthcare Initiatives and Green Research.
- Dr. Shawn Bergman, Present like a pro—lessons learned from consulting and the classroom.
- Mr. Ryan Picarella, The Art and Science of Building, Implementing, and Evaluating a Corporate Wellness Program.
- Dr. C. Douglas Johnson & Ms. Heather Interholzinger, Lifemapping.
- Dr. Laura L. Koppes Bryan, The role of leaders in fostering a work-life friendly culture.
- Ms. Jill May and Mr. Daniel Gandara, Counterproductive team behaviors: What happens when teams go bad?
- Dr. Rodney A. McCloy, Quality assurance analysis of a computerized adaptive test.
- Dr. Mark Frame, The relationship between emotional dissonance and job burnout.