Quantum Networking
Quantum networking involves creating networks that use quantum signals, such as entangled photons or squeezed light, to transmit quantum information over long distances. By leveraging principles of quantum information science and technology, these networks enable applications in communication, computation, and sensing. Quantum networks have the potential to connect quantum devices across vast distances, driving advancements in ultra-secure communications, distributed quantum computing, and distributed quantum sensing.
The UTC Quantum Networking and Communications lab provides access to the world’s first software-reconfigurable quantum network powered by Qubitekk. Inc. and deployed by the City of Chattanooga’s Electric Power Board (EPB) in the downtown area. Optimized for the C-band (1530–1570 nm) and being reconfigurable, this network provides a perfect testbed for implementation of quantum communications, distributed quantum sensing, and distributed quantum computing on a commercial metropolitan-scale fiber-optic infrastructure. The 10-year agreement between UTC and EPB allows for scheduling access to all equipment on the network. The equipment in the lab at UTC includes, among others, multiple entangled photon pair sources at C-band, and an 8-channel superconducting nano- wire single photon detector (SNSPD). Technical support by Qubitekk and EPB is available on demand 24/7.
Current quantum networking research efforts at UTC using the EPB metro-scale commercial quantum network are devoted to the demonstration of distributed quantum sensing with Heisenberg scaling by creating multipartite entanglement among eight nodes on the network. This work is funded by an NSF ExpandQISE track1 grant: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/ showAward?AWD_ID=2426699.
Principal Investigator: Tian Li
Figure: Geographic distribution of the EPB Quantum Network, powered by Qubitekk Inc., as of April 2022. As of September 2024, a total of 7 quantum nodes have been established.