Certificate Option
Quantum Information Science and Technology Certificate
This four course certificate is aimed at training non-PhD-holding individuals or nonphysicists in the art of quantum information science programming. A particular focus will be placed on quantum computer science programming languages. At the end of this series of courses, the student should understand the basic differences between quantum and classical information science and computing, have an understanding of the special rules that govern quantum information science, and be able to demonstrate some of the linear algebra mathematics behind these rules (e.g., one should be able to express the linearity of quantum mechanics and its implications such as the no-cloning theorem). Finally, the student will be able to write in a quantum programming language such as Qiskit in order to implement quantum algorithms. The algorithms will be from a selected suite chosen for its utility and pedagogy.
Required Courses
- CPSC/MATH/PHYS 3810 - Introduction to Quantum Information Science and Technology
- CPSC 3280 - Quantum Computing
- MATH 3720 - Mathematical Concepts in Quantum Information Science & Technology
- PHYS 4810 - Physics Concepts in Quantum Information Science and Technology
Go to our Course Catalog for details.