Grote Hall

Lab space designated for UTC Quantum Sensing research is in Grote Hall on campus. Grote is a recently renovated education and research complex that houses 28 laboratories. It is equipped with an advanced temperature and humidity control system and has excellent vibration and ambient light isolation design for quantum sensing experiments.
It supports research using discrete-variable (DV) and continuous-variable (CV) paradigms in free space, complementing the DV capability we have in the Quantum Networking and Communications lab in fiber-optic. Work is planned to expand the lab to include CV paradigm in fiber-optic by building a single-mode squeezed state (SMST) light source at 1570 nm, the wavelength used by the EPB quantum network.
Integrating the SMST light source into the network infrastructure will enable quantum sensing experiments in both CV and DV paradigms in free space and fiber optic, which will significantly enhance R&D and educational capacity.
Quantum Information Science Lab
Are you interested in observing and exploring concepts that you have learned in Quantum Mechanics, Optics, and Modern Physics? Do you want to know why atoms are “nonlinear optical materials”, why photons can be used to carry quantum information, and what an “entangled state” actually looks like when measured? Do you desire to be equipped with a combination of theoretical and experimental knowledge including atomic physics, quantum optics, electronics, laser systems and programming, among many other topics? Come join Dr. Li’s quantum information science and technology group, you will have the opportunity to working in a very modern quantum information science laboratory, operate the state-of-the-art instruments, perform exciting experiments, and proudly put your name on a peer-reviewed journal.
In Dr. Li’s quantum information science lab, you will use atomic vapor as well as nonlinear optical crystals to generate quantum correlations and entanglement for quantum communication, quantum sensing and quantum imaging investigations.
Dr. Li's current position is Assistant Professor of Physics in the Department of Chemistry & Physics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland, College Park. Prior to UTC, Dr. Li was an Associate Research Scientist (promoted from a Postdoctoral Research Associate) in the Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering and the Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering at Texas A&M University.
Quantum Optics Lab
Are you interested in observing and exploring concepts that you have learned in Quantum Mechanics and Modern Physics? Do you want to know why atoms are “nonlinear optical materials” and what a “inseparable state” actually looks like when measured? Do you desire to be equipped with a combination of theoretical and experimental knowledge including atomic physics, quantum optics, electronics, laser systems and programming, among many other topics? Come join Dr. Li’s quantum optics group, you will have the opportunity to build a very modern yet relatively simple quantum optics laboratory, operate the state-of-the-art instruments, perform exciting experiments, and proudly put your name on an peer-reviewed journal.
In Dr. Li’s quantum optics lab, you will use atomic vapor as well as nonlinear optical crystals to generate quantum correlations and entanglement for quantum information, quantum sensing and quantum imaging investigations.
Dr. Li's current position is Assistant Professor of Physics in the Department of Chemistry & Physics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland, College Park. Prior to UTC, Dr. Li was an Associate Research Scientist (promoted from a Postdoctoral Research Associate) in the Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering and the Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering at Texas A&M University.