Room Policies and Details
Reservation Policies
- Rooms can be reserved by UTC faculty, staff, and students only.
Room Guidelines
Chat with us or text (423) 521-0564 for help with technology, research, and more. The event host is responsible for adhering to library and campus guidelines for room use.
- Do not exceed maximum occupancy communicated by the library.
- Library staff reserve the right to enter rooms at any time.
- Leave at the end of your reservation time.
- Markers are available at the stations on each floor. Return markers to these stations when you are done.
- Failure to comply with guidelines may result in the suspension of room reservation privileges.
- Review the Building Use and Conduct Policies.
Keep the Room Clean
- Cleaning supplies and markers are available at stations throughout the floor.
- Remove any trash at the end of your reservation.
- Clean up any food or drinks in the room.
- Wipe the whiteboard clean after use.
Be Courteous
- Leave furniture placement as you found it.
- Do not move furniture in or out of the room.
- Be mindful of your sound level and others studying around you.
When You Leave
- Turn off all technology (like monitors).
- Take everything with you. The library is not responsible for unattended personal items.
- Return any markers to the station nearest you and any equipment or room keys to the checkout desk.
Failure to comply with guidelines may result in the suspension of room reservation privileges.
Room Details
Small Study Rooms
- 1-6 people
- Whiteboard
- LCD screen with HDMI/Auxiliary inputs
- Table and chairs
- Clean markers are available at stations located near all study rooms. Used markers can be deposited at the same station at the end of your reservation.
Guidelines for Study Room Use:
- Small rooms can be reserved online (UTC ID and password required).
- Reserving a room and then not using the space prevents other patrons from accessing an available room. Failure to use your reserved room may result in the cancelation your reservation or suspension of reservation privileges.
- To ensure access to study rooms for as many of our patrons as possible, you can book a study room only three hours per day.
Medium Study Rooms
- 7-14 people
- Whiteboard
- Most rooms have LCD screen with HDMI/Auxiliary inputs
- Table and chair
- Clean markers are available at cleaning stations located near all study rooms. Used markers can be deposited at the same station at the end of your reservation.
Guidelines for Study Room Use:
- Medium rooms can be reserved online (UTC ID and password required).
- Reserving a room and then not using the space prevents other patrons from accessing an available room. Failure to use your reserved room may result in the cancelation of your reservation or suspension of reservation privileges.
- To ensure access to study rooms for as many of our patrons as possible, you can book a study room only three hours per day.
Meeting Rooms
- Whiteboard
- LCD or projector and screen
- Media connections and/or presenter podium
- Most have video conferencing available
- Most have conference-style seating
- Full room descriptions
Guidelines for Meeting Room Requests:
- Please request rooms well in advance of your needed date.
- Please request all rooms using the online form. Please do not email your request to an individual library staff member.
- Room requests are processed Monday-Friday between 8am and 3pm.
- Any requests received before 3pm will be reviewed and responded to the same day. Requests received after 3pm will be reviewed by 10am the following business day.
- Requests received after 3pm on Friday will be reviewed and responded to by 10am the following Monday.
- Room reservations may be up to 3-hours in length.
- Longer reservations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Due to a declining amount of meeting spaces available on campus due to refurbishment, we are limiting room requests to one per month. More frequent use will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Due to their popularity, rooms on the 4th floor (429, 435, and 440) are exempted from frequent use requests.
- Meeting rooms are not intended for regularly scheduled classes or semester long bookings.
- Rooms have various technology that may include projectors, screens, podia PC’s, LCDs and media hubs. Please include your technology needs on the request form to assure you are booked in a room that fulfills your needs.
Studio Suites
Suite Reservations are available for current UTC students, faculty, and staff for up to 2 reservations per week. Non-UTC students, faculty, and staff are welcome for collaborations, but may not be left alone in the Suite. Everyone using the Suite must sign in at the Studio Desk. Unclaimed reservations will be cancelled after 15 minutes.