Account Activation
Your UTC ID and password are used to access most UTC Online Services, including email, UTC Learn, MyMocsNet and more. For more info on getting started, visit
Items Needed to Activate your Account:
1. University of Tennessee (UT) NetID
This typically is the same as your UTC ID. Your UTC ID is 6 characters in the format of ABC123.
- To find your NetID, please review your admissions acceptance letter by checking your status at
- For assistance with your NetID, please contact the IT Help Desk at 423-425-4000.
2. One of the following identifiers
- Social Security Number
- Employee Personnel Number
- TN Unique ID - available on your electronic admissions acceptance letter
To Activate Your Account:
If you have previously setup an account at another UT campus (UTK, UTHSC, UTM, etc), visit to reset your UT password so it will sync it to UTC. Otherwise, please follow the new account setup steps below:
- Log in to the UT Password Management site using your UT NetID and press continue.
- Click the drop-down menu for “Select an ID” and choose SSN, Employee Personnel Number, or TN Unique ID to verify your identity. Then enter your personal information and click Continue.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to set your security questions, set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with Duo and set your new password. 2FA will be required for all employees and enrolled student accounts to access UTC resources.
Click here for more detailed instructions on Activating Your Account.
For additional password instructions and assistance, visit the IT Knowledge Base or call 423-425-4000. Password and 2FA assistance are available 24/7 by calling 423-425-4000.
Manage Your Account:
To manage your account, setup two-factor authentication, or reset your password in the future, please visit or