Team & Committees
Title IX Coordinator & Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Reports or complaints of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, or questions about the university’s policies, procedures, resources, or programs concerning any of those issues, may be directed to the university’s Title IX coordinator or one of the University’s deputy Title IX coordinators.
Office of Title IX Compliance

Anitra Barrett
Director of Title IX Compliance & Title IX Coordinator
399 University Center

Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Rosite Delgado, (423) 425-5760
Executive Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity & Accessibility, Division of Access & Engagement
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees
Wesley Bolton, (423) 425-4761
Associate Director of Student Conduct, Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Student Conduct
Laura Herron, (423) 425-4583
Executive Associate Director for Compliance and Administration and Senior Woman Administrator, Division of Athletics
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics
Veronica Warren, (423) 425-4761
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students
Rebekah Epperson, (423) 425-5961
Coordinator of Clery Act Compliance and Reporting Agency Coordinator, Division of Finance & Administration
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Law Enforcement
Title IX Support
Investigators [Employee or Third Party Respondents]
Vacant, (423) 425-5670
Compliance Officer, Office of Equal Opportunity & Accessibility, Division of Access & Engagement
Vacant, (423) 425-5720
Compliance Officer, Office of Equal Opportunity & Accessibility, Division of Access & Engagement
Survivor Advocacy Services [Victim/Complainant Advocacy]
Sara Peters, (423) 425-5605
Director of the Center for Women and Gender Equity and Prism Center, Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Survivor Advocate for Employees
Emily Rosenquist, (423) 425-5648
Assistant Director, Advocacy & Education, Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Primary Survivor Advocate for Students
Case Management [Student Complainant & Student Respondent Support]
Hannah Jacky, (423) 425-5874
Lead Deputy Title IX Coordinator & Case Manager, Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Latisha (Tish) Hubbard, (423) 425-2299
Associate Director for Student Outreach & Support & Case Manager, Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Alexis Wesley, (423) 425-2299
Coordinator of Student Outreach & Support & Case Manager, Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Oliver Rahn, (423) 425-2299
Coordinator of Student Outreach & Case Manager, Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Title IX Committees
Response Team
UTC's Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking (SHSADDVS) Response Team is established to promote collaboration and communication among university personnel handling SHSADDVS cases, ensuring immediate and comprehensive support and intervention. Team members work together to coordinate responses, maintain consistency, and oversee available supportive measures and resources. The team ensures that sensitive information is shared only with those who need to know. The Response Team is multidisciplinary, bringing together professionals from various fields across campus to provide holistic support. Key members include case managers, counselors, medical professionals, general counsel, advocates, student affairs, campus law enforcement personnel, university housing, and other stakeholders. The Title IX Coordinator appoints the team members.
Anitra Barrett, Director of Title IX Compliance & Title IX Coordinator
Office of Title IX Compliance
Prevention & Education Committee
The Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking (SHSADDVS) Prevention & Education Committee is dedicated to raising awareness, fostering prevention, and promoting education on issues related to sexual and intimate partner violence. The committee works to create a safe and supportive environment by developing and implementing educational programs, workshops, and campaigns aimed at preventing violence and promoting healthy, respectful relationships. It collaborates with campus and community organizations to provide resources, training, and outreach, while also addressing the cultural, social, and institutional factors that contribute to violence. The committee plays a key role in ensuring ongoing education on these critical issues for students, staff, and faculty. Members are comprised of individuals from various departments, including campus safety, counseling services, student affairs, and other relevant stakeholders. Members are appointed by the Lead Deputy Title IX Coordinator. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please contact Hannah Jacky at (423) 425-5874.
Hannah Jacky, Lead Deputy Title IX Coordinator & Case Manager
Office of Title IX Compliance