Reporting Options
The University strongly encourages you to report incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and retaliation.
Reporting to the University
To report an incident of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, you may use one of the methods listed below.
When you speak with one of the below staff members, they will:
- keep your information as private as possible, within policy and process;
- work with you to evaluate your care and support needs; and
- discuss your options under University policy.
After the University receives a report, the Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the Complainant and offer supportive measures and resources, and explain how to file a formal complaint.
Investigations into reported incidents will not be conducted unless a formal complaint is filed by the Complainant, or in very limited circumstances, by the Title IX Coordinator. For information about filing a formal complaint, please click here.
Supportive Measures
When you report prohibited conduct to the University, staff members can support you in a variety of ways including access to medical care, counseling, and other support from the University. These support services are available to you even if you do not report the incident to law enforcement or choose to initiate a university investigation by making a formal complaint. Supportive measures offered by the University include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Informing you of your rights under the University’s Title IX grievance procedures
- Issuing a mutual no-contact directive between the complainant and respondent, which prohibits both parties from having verbal, physical, or written contact with each other for a definite or indefinite period of time
- Providing referrals for medical and counseling services
- Exploring changes in living and working arrangements
- Exploring changes in class schedules, including adjustments so that the complainant and the respondent do not share the same classes
- Assisting you in communicating with faculty
- Providing academic support, including tutoring, and academic appeals
- Exploring the options of retaking a course, dropping a course, or withdrawing for a semester without penalty
- Arranging appointments with follow-up support resources and services on or off campus
- Support in reporting to law enforcement (criminal process)
Reporting Options
Director of Title IX Compliance and Title IX Coordinator, Anitra Barrett
- Location: 399 University Center
- Phone:
423-425-4255 - Email: [email protected]
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students, Jim Hicks
- Location: 399 University Center
- Phone:
423-425-4761 - Email: [email protected]
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Student Conduct, Brett Fuchs
- Location: 399 University Center
- Phone:
423-425-4761 - Email: [email protected]
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees, Rosite Delgado
- Location: 202 Human Resources Center
- Phone:
423-425-5760 - Email: [email protected]
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics, Laura Herron
- Location: McKenzie Arena, Room 407
- Phone:
423-425-4583 - Email: [email protected]
Online Reporting
Incidents may be reported online using the Incident Reporting Form available here.
Please fill in the Complainant's contact information so that the Title IX Coordinator can reach out and offer support and resources, and information about filing a formal complaint.
For assistance with supportive measures without making a report or formal complaint to the University, please contact:
Survivor Advocacy Services
- Location: 118 Lupton Hall
- Phone:
423-425-5648 - Email: [email protected]
Reporting to Law Enforcement
You can report an incident to law enforcement before, during, or after a report to University or filing a formal complaint to initiate an investigation or a resolution of the incident by the University. Reporting to law enforcement initiates criminal proceedings.
Reports to law enforcement are not confidential and privacy levels are compliant with state law within the state in which the incident took place.
UTC Police Department
If you report the incident to the UTC Police (UTCPD), they will contact the Title IX Coordinator, and an appropriate university official will get in touch with you.
UTCPD will also offer to call an advocate to be present with you during your interview. If a report is made during University business hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m., M-F), UTCPD will offer to contact an advocate from UTC's Survivor Advocacy Services. If a report is received after business hours, UTCPD will offer to contact an advocate from Chattanooga's Partnership Rape Crisis Center.
The interview may take several hours, depending on the circumstances of your case. Some questions will probably feel intrusive, and the officer will probably go over the details several times. The extensive questioning is not because the police do not believe you; it is the officer’s job to get every detail down precisely.
In cases of sexual assault, multiple interviews may be required to get all of the pertinent details of the assault. This is not unusual, and investigators are trained to expect gaps in memory due to trauma immediately after the assault. Investigators understand that as time passes, additional memories may become clearer. Throughout the process, law enforcement officials will keep you aware of the progress of your case.
Criminal Prosecution
The district attorney will decide whether to pursue prosecution; however, it is unusual for cases to proceed without the cooperation of the victim.
Reporting the incident to law enforcement does not obligate you to cooperate with the district attorney’s criminal prosecution. If prosecution is pursued, the chance of success will be much higher if you reported and allowed evidence to be collected.
UTC Police Department
- Location: Administrative Services Building
- Phone:
Anonymous Reporting Options
Individuals may report an incident to the University anonymously through the below links. Anonymous reports are not able to be investigated, but may result in targeted intervention or education efforts.
UTC Police Department Silent Witness Reporting Form
Note: if you wish to remain anonymous, do not fill out the contact information section.