Red Zone
UTC media

What is the Red Zone?
- The Red Zone is a term that is used to describe the time period from freshman move-in until Thanksgiving break.
- According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), more than 50 percent of campus sexual assaults occur between August and November.
What do I need to know?
- Freshman and sophomore college students have a heightened risk of sexual assault.
- Commonly-accepted statistics are that 1 in 5 female, 1 in 16 male and 1 in 2 transgender students will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault during the time they are in college.
- According to the National Institute of Justice statistics, 85-90% of sexual assaults reported by college women are perpetrated by a person known to the victim.
- The overwhelming majority of sexual assaults reported by college-age students are facilitated by alcohol.
What can I do?
- Ask for consent, and ensure that your partner is able to give consent. For more information about consent, see
- Safely intervene when you see someone who needs help. For more information about bystander intervention, please see