First Gen Mocs
At UTC, a first-generation college student is someone whose parents did not graduate with a four-year college degree. If that sounds like you, congratulations, you are a First Gen Moc! We have many programs to support your success, both in and out of the classroom.
When you apply to be a part of First Gen Mocs, you have three levels of engagement to choose from—Living Learning Community (LLC), Mentor Program, or Virtual Community. The components are described in the image below:

Living Learning Community (LLC) – lives together in Lockmiller Apartments, takes a USTU 1250: First Year Experience for First Gen Students course, receives a peer mentor, gets to move in early, attends the first gen summit, becomes a part of the virtual community in GroupMe, and receives invites to attend exclusive activities and events
Mentor Program – receives a peer mentor, gets to move in early, attends the first gen summit, becomes a part of the virtual community in GroupMe, and receives invites to attend
Virtual Community - becomes a part of the virtual community in GroupMe, and receives invites to attend exclusive activities and events
The First Gen Mocs Application Opens Febuary 16th!
To apply for the First Gen Mocs program, click the button below and it will take you to the UTC Application Portal.
- Please select “Sign In” and enter the same email address and password used to complete your admissions application to UTC.
- Once logged in, select the blue button that says, "Other Applications"
- Finally, select "First Gen Mocs" from that drop-down list.
Ways to Get Involved with Other First Gen Mocs
Being recognized as a first-generation student is just the beginning. UTC offers several programs that will strengthen your relationships, build you up academically and make your college experience successful. Read more about these programs below.
First Gen Week: November 4-8, 2024
November 8 was selected as the date for the annual National First-Generation College Celebration to honor the anniversary of the signing of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Each year, UTC hosts a week-long celebration to recognize first-generation college students, faculty, and staff. Learn more about First Gen Week here
Tri Alpha
Alpha Alpha Alpha or Tri Alpha for short is the national honor society recognizing the academic achievement of first-generation college students. UTC is home to the Alpha Eta chapter. New members are inducted every spring semester. Members receive a certificate, pin, and honor cord. Learn more about Tri Alpha here.
President – Stormy Elrod
Vice President – Anna Jenkins
Treasurer – Madison Tyler
Secretary – Autumn Thompson
First Forward Institution
UTC is proud to be one of the first institutions to receive the First-Gen Forward designation, a program designed for colleges and universities committed to first-generation student success. Learn more about First-Gen Forward here.