UTC ASSETS Scholar Program
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The UTC ASSETS scholarship provides financial and academic support to facilitate transfer degree completion for students majoring in Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The UTC ASSETS Program has Awarded a total of 70 Scholarships to date (35 have received multi-year scholarships).
ASSETS launched in 2018 as a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored project as a means of easing the transition between community colleges and the UTC Engineering programs. We have built a successful community supporting Engineering students who transfer into the program from 2 year colleges.
This project aims to:
- Provide financial support for academically-talented, financially-needy students majoring in engineering in the form of S-STEM scholarships.
- Support them academically and socially so that they can persist and complete their bachelor’s degrees and do so in a reasonably short time.
- Assist them to enter the STEM workforce to become effective contributors to the nation’s economy
- This project targets rising transfer students who are pursuing STEM degrees in the College of Engineering.
Specific Objectives
The project has the following specific objectives:
- Create and sustain an active community to support transfer students who major in STEM subjects.
- Strengthen the structure that provides academic, financial, and social support for transfer students.
- Increase the use of academic support services already available through enhanced advising, guidance, and mentoring.
- Assist students in focusing more intently on their studies in order to accelerate the completion of degree programs.
- Increase the number of skilled and well-educated workers who enter STEM fields of employment in engineering.
- Increase our understanding of what transfer students need to help them persist in their studies and complete bachelor’s degrees in STEM in a reasonable time frame.