Faculty Research

Dr. James C. Newman III
Department Head; Professor
Research Areas:
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Hypersonic vehicles
- Fluid structure interaction

Dr. Prakash Dhamshala
Research Areas:
- Advanced conventional and alternative energy systems
- Sustainable resources
- Engineering education

Dr. Trevor S. Elliott
UC Foundation Assistant Professor
Research Areas:
- Additive manufacturing
- Alternative energy and building efficiency design
- Automotive engineering
- Battery characterization
- Engineering design
- Injection driven flows
- Propulsion systems and two-phase combustion
- stability modeling and simulation

Dr. Ronald Goulet
Associate Professor
Research Areas:
- Bio materials

Dr. Hamdy Ibrahim
Assistant Professor
Research Areas:
- Biodegradable metals
- Additive manufacturing
- Corrosion behavior of biomaterials
- Surface treatments and coatings
- Biocomposites
- Shape memory alloys

Dr. Mohammad Mahtabi
Assistant Professor
Research Areas:
- Additive manufacturing
- Fatigue and fracture mechanics
- Shape memory alloys
- Computational mechanics
- Multiscale modeling of materials
- Mechanical behavior of materials

Dr. Charles Margraves
UC Foundation Associate Professor;
ME Graduate Coordinator
Research Areas:
- Conventional and alternative energy systems
- Zero+ energy buildings
- Air quality sensors
- Engineering education

Dr. Gary McDonald
UC Foundation Associate Professor
Research Areas:
- Engineering education

Dr. Reetesh Ranjan
Assistant Professor
Research Areas:
- Computational fluid dynamics and combustion
- Turbulence modeling
- Reduced order modeling
- Uncertainty quantification
- High-performance computing

Dr. Yunye Shi
Assistant Professor
Research Areas:
- Biomass thermochemical conversion
- Biorenewable energy utilization
- Techno-economic analysis of energy systems

Dr. Kidambi Sreenivas
Professor; Computational Science PhD Program Coordinator
Research Areas:
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applied to complex geometry / complex physics problems
- High performance computing
- High-order methods
- Rotating machinery

Dr. Cecelia Wigal
UC Foundation Professor
Research Areas:
- Engineering education